Fork 0

70 lines
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* @name Rotten Kitty
* @author Weslie
* @version 2.1
* @description A Discord theme for the VRC 'Rotten Kittys' Group
* @source https://clatza.dev/Discord/Theme_RottenKitty
* @website https://vrchat.com/home/group/grp_d8da5844-6ac5-4c5d-8109-6532d1c08032
* @invite rottenkittens
* @authorId 320092652962054146
* @updateUrl https://clatza.dev/Discord/Theme_RottenKitty/raw/branch/main/RottenKitty.theme.css
@import url("https://files.clatza.dev/BetterDiscord/RottenKittys/css/FrostedGlass.css");
/* BlackBox tags */
@import url('https://files.clatza.dev/BetterDiscord/RottenKittys/css/user-tags.css');
/* Old Windows titlebar - remove this @import if you wish to use default titlebar */
/* @import url("https://files.clatza.dev/BetterDiscord/RottenKittys/css/windows-titlebar.css"); */
:root {
/* Background image variables */
--background-image: url('https://files.clatza.dev/BetterDiscord/RottenKittys/background.jpg'); /* Main background image | URL MUST BE A DIRECT LINK (ending in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif) */
--background-image-blur: 4px; /* Blur intensity of --background-image | Must end in px | DEFAULT: 5px */
--background-image-size: cover; /* Size of the background image | DEFAUT: cover | OPTIONS: cover, contain */
--background-image-position: center; /* Position of background image | DEAFULT: center | OPTIONS: top, right, bottom, left, center */
/* Popout & Modal variables */
--popout-modal-image: var(--background-image); /* Background image for popouts and modals | URL MUST BE A DIRECT LINK (ending in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif) */
--popout-modal-blur: 5px; /* Blur intensity of --popout-modal-image | Must end in px | DEFAULT: 5px */
--popout-modal-size: cover; /* Size of the popout/modal image | DEFAUT: cover | OPTIONS: cover, contain */
--popout-modal-position: center; /* Position of popout/modal image | DEAFULT: center | OPTIONS: top, right, bottom, left, center */
/* Home image variables */
--home-button-image: url('https://files.clatza.dev/BetterDiscord/RottenKittys/RK_LOGO.png'); /* Home button image | URL MUST BE A DIRECT LINK (ending in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif) */
--home-button-size: cover; /* Size of the home button image | DEFAUT: cover */
--home-button-position: center; /* Position of home button image | DEAFULT: center */
/* Brightness variables */
--serverlist-brightness: 0.8; /* Brightness for serverlist | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.8 */
--left-brightness: 0.7; /* Channels and DM list brightness | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.8 */
--middle-brightness: 0.6; /* Chat brightness | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.6 */
--right-brightness: 0; /* Members and Now Playing brightness | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0 */
--popout-modal-brightness: 0.75; /* Brightness for popouts and modals | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.75 */
/* Gradient variables */
--gradient-primary: 103,58,183; /* DEFAULT: 103,58,183 */
--gradient-secondary: 63,81,181; /* DEFAULT: 63,81,181 */
--gradient-direction: 320deg; /* DEFAULT: 320deg */
/* Tint variables */
--tint-colour: 255,51,159; /* Colour of tint | DEAFULT: 255,51,159 */
--tint-brightness: 0; /* Brightness of --tint-colour | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0 */
/* Other variables */
--window-padding: 20px; /* Spacing around the Discord window | DEFAULT: 20px */
--window-roundness: 10px; /* Roundness of Discord | DEFAULT: 10px */
--scrollbar-colour: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.546); /* DEFAULT: rgba(255,255,255,0.05) */
--link-colour: #00b0f4; /* DEFAULT: #00b0f4 */
Visit https://fonts.google.com and select one to your liking.
Now just follow this tutorial: https://imgur.com/a/CNbw7xC
--font: 'Whitney';
/* Do not touch */
--update-notice-1: none;