add files

This commit is contained in:
Christopher 2020-10-21 23:37:20 +02:00
parent 4774be829f
commit 3f3c11a24c
1927 changed files with 194931 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ COPY index.php /var/www/html/index.php
COPY .htaccess /var/www/html/.htaccess
COPY style/ /var/www/html/style/
COPY seiten/ /var/www/html/seiten/
COPY plugins/ /var/www/html/plugins/
COPY daten/ /var/www/html/daten/
COPY pages/ /var/www/html/pages/
COPY data/ /var/www/html/data/
COPY classen/ /var/www/html/classen/

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Docker single container manager

View File

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
* PHP Class for handling Google Authenticator 2-factor authentication.
* @author Michael Kliewe
* @copyright 2012 Michael Kliewe
* @license BSD License
* @link
class PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator
protected $_codeLength = 6;
* Create new secret.
* 16 characters, randomly chosen from the allowed base32 characters.
* @param int $secretLength
* @return string
public function createSecret($secretLength = 16)
$validChars = $this->_getBase32LookupTable();
// Valid secret lengths are 80 to 640 bits
if ($secretLength < 16 || $secretLength > 128) {
throw new Exception('Bad secret length');
$secret = '';
$rnd = false;
if (function_exists('random_bytes')) {
$rnd = random_bytes($secretLength);
} elseif (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
$rnd = mcrypt_create_iv($secretLength, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
} elseif (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
$rnd = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($secretLength, $cryptoStrong);
if (!$cryptoStrong) {
$rnd = false;
if ($rnd !== false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $secretLength; ++$i) {
$secret .= $validChars[ord($rnd[$i]) & 31];
} else {
throw new Exception('No source of secure random');
return $secret;
* Calculate the code, with given secret and point in time.
* @param string $secret
* @param int|null $timeSlice
* @return string
public function getCode($secret, $timeSlice = null)
if ($timeSlice === null) {
$timeSlice = floor(time() / 30);
$secretkey = $this->_base32Decode($secret);
// Pack time into binary string
$time = chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).pack('N*', $timeSlice);
// Hash it with users secret key
$hm = hash_hmac('SHA1', $time, $secretkey, true);
// Use last nipple of result as index/offset
$offset = ord(substr($hm, -1)) & 0x0F;
// grab 4 bytes of the result
$hashpart = substr($hm, $offset, 4);
// Unpak binary value
$value = unpack('N', $hashpart);
$value = $value[1];
// Only 32 bits
$value = $value & 0x7FFFFFFF;
$modulo = pow(10, $this->_codeLength);
return str_pad($value % $modulo, $this->_codeLength, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
* Get QR-Code URL for image, from google charts.
* @param string $name
* @param string $secret
* @param string $title
* @param array $params
* @return string
public function getQRCodeGoogleUrl($name, $secret, $title = null, $params = array())
$width = !empty($params['width']) && (int) $params['width'] > 0 ? (int) $params['width'] : 200;
$height = !empty($params['height']) && (int) $params['height'] > 0 ? (int) $params['height'] : 200;
$level = !empty($params['level']) && array_search($params['level'], array('L', 'M', 'Q', 'H')) !== false ? $params['level'] : 'M';
$urlencoded = urlencode('otpauth://totp/'.$name.'?secret='.$secret.'');
if (isset($title)) {
$urlencoded .= urlencode('&issuer='.urlencode($title));
return "$urlencoded&size=${width}x${height}&ecc=$level";
* Check if the code is correct. This will accept codes starting from $discrepancy*30sec ago to $discrepancy*30sec from now.
* @param string $secret
* @param string $code
* @param int $discrepancy This is the allowed time drift in 30 second units (8 means 4 minutes before or after)
* @param int|null $currentTimeSlice time slice if we want use other that time()
* @return bool
public function verifyCode($secret, $code, $discrepancy = 1, $currentTimeSlice = null)
if ($currentTimeSlice === null) {
$currentTimeSlice = floor(time() / 30);
if (strlen($code) != 6) {
return false;
for ($i = -$discrepancy; $i <= $discrepancy; ++$i) {
$calculatedCode = $this->getCode($secret, $currentTimeSlice + $i);
if ($this->timingSafeEquals($calculatedCode, $code)) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the code length, should be >=6.
* @param int $length
* @return PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator
public function setCodeLength($length)
$this->_codeLength = $length;
return $this;
* Helper class to decode base32.
* @param $secret
* @return bool|string
protected function _base32Decode($secret)
if (empty($secret)) {
return '';
$base32chars = $this->_getBase32LookupTable();
$base32charsFlipped = array_flip($base32chars);
$paddingCharCount = substr_count($secret, $base32chars[32]);
$allowedValues = array(6, 4, 3, 1, 0);
if (!in_array($paddingCharCount, $allowedValues)) {
return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
if ($paddingCharCount == $allowedValues[$i] &&
substr($secret, -($allowedValues[$i])) != str_repeat($base32chars[32], $allowedValues[$i])) {
return false;
$secret = str_replace('=', '', $secret);
$secret = str_split($secret);
$binaryString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($secret); $i = $i + 8) {
$x = '';
if (!in_array($secret[$i], $base32chars)) {
return false;
for ($j = 0; $j < 8; ++$j) {
$x .= str_pad(base_convert(@$base32charsFlipped[@$secret[$i + $j]], 10, 2), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$eightBits = str_split($x, 8);
for ($z = 0; $z < count($eightBits); ++$z) {
$binaryString .= (($y = chr(base_convert($eightBits[$z], 2, 10))) || ord($y) == 48) ? $y : '';
return $binaryString;
* Get array with all 32 characters for decoding from/encoding to base32.
* @return array
protected function _getBase32LookupTable()
return array(
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', // 7
'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', // 15
'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', // 23
'Y', 'Z', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', // 31
'=', // padding char
* A timing safe equals comparison
* more info here:
* @param string $safeString The internal (safe) value to be checked
* @param string $userString The user submitted (unsafe) value
* @return bool True if the two strings are identical
private function timingSafeEquals($safeString, $userString)
if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
return hash_equals($safeString, $userString);
$safeLen = strlen($safeString);
$userLen = strlen($userString);
if ($userLen != $safeLen) {
return false;
$result = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $userLen; ++$i) {
$result |= (ord($safeString[$i]) ^ ord($userString[$i]));
// They are only identical strings if $result is exactly 0...
return $result === 0;

classen/HTML.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
class HTML
//Hier wird der HTML Code zum Ausgeben vorbereitet.
//Dieser kann aus einer fertigen HTML Seite ausgelesen werden, oder aber auch st<73>ck f<>r St<53>ck
//Zusammen gebaut werden.
//Die Einzelnen Daten k<>nnen nicht direkt von Au<41>en ver<65>ndert werden, sondern m<>ssen durch die Bereitgestellten Optionen gesetzt werden.
private $HTMLTitle = " "; //Wird in den <header> als <title> Geschrieben.
private $StatusMeldung = " "; //Falls Vorhenden eine Statusmeldung vom Script im HTML Text.
private $DasMenu = " "; //Beinhaltet das Fertige Men<65>
private $DerInhalt = " "; //Beinhaltet den Fertigen Inhalt
private $HTMLDatei = " "; //Der inhalt der eingelesen wurde.
private $HTMLHeader = " "; //Der HTML HEADER der eingelesen wurde.
private $FertigesHTML = " "; //Das Fertige HTML bereit zum Ausgeben.
private $isBuild = false; //Hier wird festgehalten ob $FertigesHTML aktuell ist oder nicht.
//Der <title> wird Generiert.(%%EchoTitle%%)
//Dieser wird im HTML Code sp<73>ter als %%HTMLTitle%% aufgerufen.
public function setHTMLTitle($neuerTitle){
//Der Bisherige Title wird komplett <20>berschrieben und gleichzeitig ein neuer Gesetzt.
$this->HTMLTitle = $neuerTitle;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function addHTMLTitle($Hinzufugen){
//Zu dem Bisherigen Titel wird noch etwas am ende hinzugef<65>gt.
$this->HTMLTitle = $this->$HTMLTitle.$Hinzufugen;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function RemoveHTMLTitle(){
//Der Titel wird Komplett gel<65>scht.
$this->HTMLTitle = " ";
$this->isBuild = false;
//Der HTML HEADER wird Generiert.(%%echoHeader%%)
//Dieser wird im HTML Code sp<73>ter als %%echoHeader%% aufgerufen.
public function setHTMLHeader($neuerHeader){
//Der Bisherige Header wird komplett <20>berschrieben und gleichzeitig ein neuer Gesetzt.
$this->HTMLHeader = $neuerHeader;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function addHTMLHeader($Hinzufugen){
//Zu dem Bisherigen Header wird noch etwas am ende hinzugef<65>gt.
$this->HTMLHeader = $this->HTMLHeader.$Hinzufugen;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function RemoveHTMLHeader(){
//Der Header wird Komplett gel<65>scht.
$this->HTMLHeader = " ";
$this->isBuild = false;
public function importHTMLHeader($file){
//Der HTML Header wird aus einer Datei eingelesen und der bisherige gel<65>scht.
$this->HTMLHeader = file_get_contents($file);
$this->isBuild = false;
//Der StatusText wird ge<67>ndert.(%%StatusMeldung%%)
//Dieser wird im HTML Code sp<73>ter als %%StatusMeldung%% aufgerufen.
public function setStatusMeldung($neueMeldung){
//Die bisherige Status meldung wird komplett <20>berschrieben und gleichzeitig ein neuer Gesetzt.
$this->StatusMeldung = $neueMeldung;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function RemoveStatusMeldung(){
//Die Meldung wird Komplett gel<65>scht.
$this->StatusMeldung = " ";
$this->isBuild = false;
//Ab hier wird das Men<65> Zusammengebaut. (%%EchoMenu%%)
public function importTextMenu($neuesMenu){
//Das Komplette Men<65> wird direkt importiert und das alte <20>berschreiben.
$this->DasMenu = $neuesMenu;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function importHTMLMenu($file){
//Das Komplette Men<65> wird aus einer Datei ausgelesen und das alte <20>berschrieben.
$this->DasMenu = file_get_contents($file);
$this->isBuild = false;
public function addToMenu($html){
//Es wird noch etwas ans Men<65> angehengt.
$this->DasMenu = $this->$DasMenu.$html;
$this->isBuild = false;
//Der Seiten HTML Quelcode wird eingelesen.
public function importHTML($file){
//Der HTML Quelltext wird aus einer Datei eingelesen.
$this->HTMLDatei = file_get_contents($file);
$this->isBuild = false;
public function setHTML($htmlCode){
//Der HTML Quelltext wird direkt gesetzt.
$this->HTMLDatei = $htmlCode;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function addNachHTML($htmlCode){
//Der HTML Quelltext wird direkt gesetzt.
$this->HTMLDatei = $this->HTMLDatei.$htmlCode;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function addVorHTML($htmlCode){
//Der HTML Quelltext wird direkt gesetzt.
$this->HTMLDatei = $htmlCode.$this->HTMLDatei;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function DeleteHTML(){
//Der HTML Quelltext wird gel<65>scht.
$this->HTMLDatei = " ";
$this->isBuild = false;
//Der inhalt der Seite wird zusammen gesetzt (nicht der quelltext) (%%EchoInhalt%%)
public function importSeitenInhalt($file){
//L<>d einen fertigen Text aus einer datei.
$this->DerInhalt = file_get_contents($file);
$this->isBuild = false;
public function setSeitenInhalt($html){
//Setz den Seiteninhalt und L<>scht den alten Komplett.
$this->DerInhalt = $html;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function importAndAddSeitenInhalt($file){
//L<>d einen fertigen Text aus einer datei.
$this->DerInhalt = $this->DerInhalt.file_get_contents($file);
$this->isBuild = false;
public function addToSeitenInhalt($html){
//Es wird noch weitere Text an den Seiteninhalt angeh<65>ngt.
$this->DerInhalt = $this->DerInhalt.$html;
$this->isBuild = false;
public function GetSeitenInhalt(){
//Der Seiteninhalt wird zur<75>ckgegeben.
return $this->DerInhalt;
public function DeleteSeitenInhalt(){
//L<>scht den Seiten inhalt.
$this->DerInhalt = " ";
$this->isBuild = false;
public function ReplaceSeitenInhalt($tag, $text){
//Ersezt Seiten Inhalt
$this->DerInhalt = str_replace($tag, $text, $this->DerInhalt);
public function ReplaceLayoutInhalt($tag, $text){
//Ersezt Layout Inhalt
$this->HTMLDatei = str_replace($tag, $text, $this->HTMLDatei);
public function CompressHTML(){
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace(" ", "", $this->FertigesHTML);
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace(" ", "", $this->FertigesHTML);
die("Es kann nur Fertiger HTML Code kompremiert werden.");
return false;
//Hier wird der Fertige HTML Code generiert.
//Und alle 3 Teile, Men<65> Titel und inhalt zusammengef<65>gt.
public function build(){
//Der HTML Code wird zusammen gesetzt.
$this->FertigesHTML = null; //Der Speicher wird gellert, falls schon einmal Quelltext generiert wurde.
$this->FertigesHTML = $this->HTMLDatei; //Und der Unverarbeitete HTML Quelltext eingelesen.
//Das Men<65> wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%EchoMenu%%", $this->DasMenu, $this->FertigesHTML);
//Der inhalt wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%EchoInhalt%%", $this->DerInhalt, $this->FertigesHTML);
//Die Status Meldung wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%StatusMeldung%%", $this->StatusMeldung, $this->FertigesHTML);
//Der Titel wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%EchoTitle%%", $this->HTMLTitle, $this->FertigesHTML);
//Der HTML Header wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%echoHeader%%", $this->HTMLHeader, $this->FertigesHTML);
//Der Titel wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%datum%%", date("Y-m-dTH:i+2"), $this->FertigesHTML);
//Der Counter wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%GET_SITE%%", @$_GET['seite'], $this->FertigesHTML);
//Die IP Adresse wird in den HTML Quellcode eingef<65>gt.
$this->FertigesHTML = str_replace("%%GET_IP%%", @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $this->FertigesHTML);
$this->isBuild = true;
//Hier wird der Fertige HTML ausgegeben
public function ausgabe(){
return $this->FertigesHTML;
die("Bitte erst den HTML Code zusammensetzen.");
return false;

data/tmp/.keep Normal file
View File

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.9 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.1 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.4 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.4 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.8 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.7 MiB

index.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
header('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=657000');
include_once 'classen/MAIL/PHPMailer.php';
include_once 'classen/MAIL/SMTP.php';
if($_REQUEST['logout'] == '1')
$_SESSION = array();
if($_SESSION['LOGIN'] == 'true')
$_REQUEST['page'] = 'dashboard';
if($_REQUEST['page'] == str_replace("/"," ",$_REQUEST['page']) and $_REQUEST['page'] == str_replace("\\"," ",$_REQUEST['page']) and $_REQUEST['page'] == str_replace(".."," ",$_REQUEST['page'])){
include "./pages/".$_REQUEST['page'].".php";
include "./pages/error.php";
include "./pages/error.php";
include "./pages/login.php";

pages/.htaccess Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Deny from all

pages/HTML/dashboard.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xl-3 col-sm-6 mb-3">
<div class="card text-white bg-primary o-hidden h-100">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="card-body-icon">
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-door-closed"></i>
<div class="mr-5">%%GLOBAL-USER-COUNT%%</div>
<span class="card-footer text-white clearfix small z-1 float-left">Benutzer / Online</span>
<div class="col-xl-3 col-sm-6 mb-3">
<div class="col-xl-3 col-sm-6 mb-3">
<div class="col-xl-3 col-sm-6 mb-3">
<div class="card text-white bg-primary o-hidden h-100">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="card-body-icon">
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-thermometer-half"></i>
<div class="mr-5">%%GLOBAL-REGION-COUNT%%</div>
<span class="card-footer text-white clearfix small z-1 float-left">Regionen</span>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Hier kannst du die UUID von deinem Avatar ändern und später jederzeit wieder zurück weckseln. <br>
Inventar, Freunde und Gruppen bleiben dabei erhalten. <br>
Jede Identität hat ein eigenes Aussehen und ein eigenes Profile.<br>
Nach dem ändern musst du dich neu anmelden.<br>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div style="width: 400px; margin: auto; left: 50%;">
Hier kannst du eine neue Identität erstellen.
<div style="width: 400px; margin: auto; left: 50%;">
<form action="index.php?page=identities" method="post">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<label for="newName">Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="newName" name="newName" placeholder="Name">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<button type="submit" name="createIdent" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Erstelle Identität</button>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

pages/HTML/profile.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div style="width: 400px; margin: auto; left: 50%;">
<form action="index.php?page=profile" method="post">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<label for="inputVorname">Vorname</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputVorname" name="formInputFeldVorname" placeholder="%%firstname%%">
<div class="col">
<label for="inputNachname">Nachname</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputNachname" name="formInputFeldNachname" placeholder="%%lastname%%">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<label for="inputVorname">E-Mail</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputEmail" name="formInputFeldEMail" placeholder="%%email%%">
<div class="form-group" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="form-check">
<input class="form-check-input" name="formInputFeldOfflineIM" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck"%%offlineIMSTATE%%>
<label class="form-check-label" for="gridCheck"> Offline IM</label>
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<label for="dropdownPartner">Partner</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="formInputFeldPartnerName" id="inputpartner" placeholder="%%partner%%">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<button type="submit" name="saveProfileData" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Speichern</button>
<div class="col-md-6">
<div style="width: 400px; margin: auto; left: 50%;">
<form action="index.php?page=password" method="post">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<label for="oldPassword">Altes Passwort</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="oldPassword" name="oldPassword"">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<label for="newPassword">Neues Passwort</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="PasswordNew" name="newPassword"">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<label for="newPasswordRepeate">Neues Passwort wiederholen</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="PasswordNewRepeate" name="newPasswordRepeate"">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<button type="submit" name="savePassword" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Speichern</button>
var countries = [%%listAllResidentsAsJSArray%%];
function autocomplete(inp, arr) {
/*the autocomplete function takes two arguments,
the text field element and an array of possible autocompleted values:*/
var currentFocus;
/*execute a function when someone writes in the text field:*/
inp.addEventListener("input", function(e) {
var a, b, i, val = this.value;
/*close any already open lists of autocompleted values*/
if (!val) {
return false;
currentFocus = -1;
/*create a DIV element that will contain the items (values):*/
a = document.createElement("DIV");
a.setAttribute("id", + "autocomplete-list");
a.setAttribute("class", "autocomplete-items");
/*append the DIV element as a child of the autocomplete container:*/
/*for each item in the array...*/
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
/*check if the item starts with the same letters as the text field value:*/
if (arr[i].substr(0, val.length).toUpperCase() == val.toUpperCase()) {
/*create a DIV element for each matching element:*/
b = document.createElement("DIV");
/*make the matching letters bold:*/
b.innerHTML = "<strong>" + arr[i].substr(0, val.length) + "</strong>";
b.innerHTML += arr[i].substr(val.length);
/*insert a input field that will hold the current array item's value:*/
b.innerHTML += "<input type='hidden' value='" + arr[i] + "'>";
/*execute a function when someone clicks on the item value (DIV element):*/
b.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
/*insert the value for the autocomplete text field:*/
inp.value = this.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value;
/*close the list of autocompleted values,
(or any other open lists of autocompleted values:*/
/*execute a function presses a key on the keyboard:*/
inp.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
var x = document.getElementById( + "autocomplete-list");
if (x) x = x.getElementsByTagName("div");
if (e.keyCode == 40) {
/*If the arrow DOWN key is pressed,
increase the currentFocus variable:*/
/*and and make the current item more visible:*/
} else if (e.keyCode == 38) { //up
/*If the arrow UP key is pressed,
decrease the currentFocus variable:*/
/*and and make the current item more visible:*/
} else if (e.keyCode == 13) {
/*If the ENTER key is pressed, prevent the form from being submitted,*/
if (currentFocus > -1) {
/*and simulate a click on the "active" item:*/
if (x) x[currentFocus].click();
function addActive(x) {
/*a function to classify an item as "active":*/
if (!x) return false;
/*start by removing the "active" class on all items:*/
if (currentFocus >= x.length) currentFocus = 0;
if (currentFocus < 0) currentFocus = (x.length - 1);
/*add class "autocomplete-active":*/
function removeActive(x) {
/*a function to remove the "active" class from all autocomplete items:*/
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
function closeAllLists(elmnt) {
/*close all autocomplete lists in the document,
except the one passed as an argument:*/
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("autocomplete-items");
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (elmnt != x[i] && elmnt != inp) {
/*execute a function when someone clicks in the document:*/
document.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
autocomplete(document.getElementById("inputpartner"), countries);

pages/HTML/users.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div style="width: 400px; margin: auto; left: 50%;">
Hier kannst du einen Invite Link erstellen.<br>
Jeder der solch einen Link bekommt, kann sich im Grid Regestrieren.
Der Link ist einzigartig und funktioniert nur einmalig.<br>
Nach dem aufrufen des Links muss ein Name, Passwort und Standart Avatar ausgewählt werden.
<div style="width: 400px; margin: auto; left: 50%;">
<form action="index.php?page=users" method="post">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<label for="linkOutput">InviteLink:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="linkOutput" name="formLink" value="%%link%%">
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 15px;">
<div class="col">
<button type="submit" name="generateLink" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Link Generieren</button>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
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}, 50);
<div class='InfoBox' style='position: absolute; right: 50px; top: 50px;'>
<div class='InfoBoxTitle'>%%GRIDNAME%%</div>
Willkommen<br />
Bitte melde dich an, um %%GRIDNAME%% zu betreten.<br />
<br />
<div class='InfoBox' style='position: absolute; left: 50px; bottom: 50px;'>
<div class='InfoBoxTitle'>
Status: <span style='color: rgb(0, 255, 0);'>Online</span>

pages/dashboard.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%GLOBAL-USER-COUNT%%", $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserCount());
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%GLOBAL-REGION-COUNT%%", $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getRegionCount());
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%USERNAME%%", $_SESSION['DISPLAYNAME']);
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/error.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Seite nicht gefunden");
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/friends.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Online Anzeige");
$table = '<table class="table"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Name</th><th scope="col">Optionen</th></thead><tbody>%%ENTRY%%</tbody></table>';
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM Friends WHERE PrincipalID = ? ORDER BY Friend ASC");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
$PrincipalID = explode(";", $row['PrincipalID'])[0];
$FriendData = explode(";", $row['Friend']);
$Friend = $FriendData[0];
$entry = '<tr><td>'.trim($RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($Friend)).'</td><td>LÖSCHEN</td></tr>';
if(count($FriendData) > 1)
$FriendData[1] = str_replace("http://", "", $FriendData[1]);
$FriendData[1] = str_replace("https://", "", $FriendData[1]);
$FriendData[1] = str_replace("/", "", $FriendData[1]);
$entry = '<tr><td>'.trim($RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($Friend)).' @ '.strtolower($FriendData[1]).'</td><td>LÖSCHEN</td></tr>';
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", $entry."%%ENTRY%%", $table);
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", "", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%ONLINE-LIST%%", $table);
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/groups.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
$table = '<table class="table"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Name</th><th scope="col">Gründer</th><th scope="col">Aktionen</th></thead><tbody>%%ENTRY%%</tbody></table>';
$statementMembership = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM os_groups_membership WHERE PrincipalID = ? ORDER BY GroupID ASC");
while($rowMembership = $statementMembership->fetch())
$statementGroups = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM os_groups_groups WHERE GroupID = ? LIMIT 1");
while($rowGroups = $statementGroups->fetch())
$entry = '<tr><td>'.$rowGroups['Name'].'</td><td>'.$RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($rowGroups['FounderID']).'</td><td>VERLASSEN</td></tr>';
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", $entry."%%ENTRY%%", $table);
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", "", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%REGION-LIST%%", $table);
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/identities.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
$statementCreateTable = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `UserIdentitys` (`PrincipalID` VARCHAR(38) NOT NULL, `IdentityID` VARCHAR(38) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`IdentityID`))");
$statementCheckForEntry = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserIdentitys WHERE PrincipalID = ? LIMIT 1");
if($statementCheckForEntry->rowCount() == 0)
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO `UserIdentitys` (PrincipalID, IdentityID) VALUES (:PrincipalID, :IdentityID)');
$statement->execute(['PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID'], 'IdentityID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
if(isset($_REQUEST['enableIdent']) || @$_REQUEST['enableIdent'] != "")
if(isset($_REQUEST['newuuid']) || @$_REQUEST['newuuid'] != "")
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserIdentitys WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID AND IdentityID = :IdentityID LIMIT 1");
$statement->execute(['PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID'], 'IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid']]);
$statementPresence = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM Presence WHERE UserID = :PrincipalID LIMIT 1");
$statementPresence->execute(['PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
if($statementPresence->rowCount() == 0)
if($statement->rowCount() == 1)
$statementAuth = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE auth SET UUID = :IdentityID WHERE UUID = :PrincipalID');
$statementAuth->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementUserIdentitys = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE UserIdentitys SET PrincipalID = :IdentityID WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID');
$statementUserIdentitys->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementFriends = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE Friends SET PrincipalID = :IdentityID WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID');
$statementFriends->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementReFriends = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE Friends SET Friend = :IdentityID WHERE Friend = :PrincipalID');
$statementReFriends->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementInventoryFolders = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE inventoryfolders SET agentID = :IdentityID WHERE agentID = :PrincipalID AND type != :InventarTyp');
$statementInventoryFolders->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID'], 'InventarTyp' => 46]);
$statementInventoryItems = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE inventoryitems SET avatarID = :IdentityID WHERE avatarID = :PrincipalID');
$statementInventoryItems->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementGroupMembership = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE os_groups_membership SET PrincipalID = :IdentityID WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID');
$statementGroupMembership->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementGroupRoles = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE os_groups_rolemembership SET PrincipalID = :IdentityID WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID');
$statementGroupRoles->execute(['IdentityID' => $_REQUEST['newuuid'], 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementGroupRoles = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('DELETE FROM Presence WHERE UserID = :PrincipalID');
$statementGroupRoles->execute(['PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$_SESSION['LOGIN'] = 'false';
header("Location: index.php?page=identities");
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%MESSAGE%%", '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Du kannst die Identität nicht ändern, während du angemeldet bist. Bitte schließe den Viewer.</div>');
if(isset($_REQUEST['createIdent']) || @$_REQUEST['createIdent'] != "")
if(isset($_REQUEST['newName']) || @$_REQUEST['newName'] != "")
$avatarNameParts = explode(" ", trim($_REQUEST['newName']));
if(count($avatarNameParts) == 2)
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserAccounts WHERE FirstName = :FirstName AND LastName = :LastName LIMIT 1");
$statement->execute(['FirstName' => trim($avatarNameParts[0]), 'LastName' => trim($avatarNameParts[1])]);
if($statement->rowCount() == 0)
$avatarUUID = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->gen_uuid();
$statementAccounts = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO UserAccounts (PrincipalID, ScopeID, FirstName, LastName, Email, ServiceURLs, Created, UserLevel, UserFlags, UserTitle, active) VALUES (:PrincipalID, :ScopeID, :FirstName, :LastName, :Email, :ServiceURLs, :Created, :UserLevel, :UserFlags, :UserTitle, :active )');
$statementAccounts->execute(['PrincipalID' => $avatarUUID, 'ScopeID' => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 'FirstName' => $avatarNameParts[0], 'LastName' => $avatarNameParts[1], 'Email' => $_SESSION['EMAIL'], 'ServiceURLs' => "HomeURI= GatekeeperURI= InventoryServerURI= AssetServerURI= ", 'Created' => time(), 'UserLevel' => 0, 'UserFlags' => 0, 'UserTitle' => "", 'active' => 1]);
$statementUserIdentitys = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO UserIdentitys (PrincipalID, IdentityID) VALUES (:PrincipalID, :IdentityID)');
$statementUserIdentitys->execute(['PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID'], 'IdentityID' => $avatarUUID]);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%MESSAGE%%", '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Dieser Name ist schon in Benutzung.</div>');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%MESSAGE%%", '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Der Name muss aus einem Vor und einem Nachnamen bestehen.</div>');
$table = '<table class="table"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Name</th><th scope="col">Aktionen</th></thead><tbody>%%ENTRY%%</tbody></table>';
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserIdentitys WHERE PrincipalID = ? ORDER BY IdentityID ASC");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
if($row['IdentityID'] == $_SESSION['UUID'])
$entry = '<tr><td>'.trim($RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($row['IdentityID'])).' <span class="badge badge-info">Aktiv</span></td><td>-</td></tr>';
$entry = '<tr><td>'.trim($RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($row['IdentityID'])).'</td><td><form action="index.php?page=identities" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="newuuid" value="'.$row['IdentityID'].'"><button type="submit" name="enableIdent" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">Aktievieren</button></form></td></tr>';
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", $entry."%%ENTRY%%", $table);
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", "", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%IDENT-LIST%%", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%link%%", ' ');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%MESSAGE%%", ' ');
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/invite.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
if(@$_SESSION['LEVEL'] < 100)
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Kein Zugriff");
$HTML->SetSeitenInhalt("Dazu hast du keine Rechte!");
echo $HTML->ausgabe();
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%link%%", ' ');
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/login.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
$HTML = new HTML();
if(!isset($_POST['username']) || !isset($_POST['password']))
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%LOGINMESSAGE%%", "Bitte gebe Benutzername und Passwort an.");
$statementUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserAccounts WHERE FirstName = ? AND LastName = ? LIMIT 1");
$statementUser->execute(explode(" ", trim($_POST['username'])));
$RUNTIME['MESSAGE']['LOGINERROR'] = "Benutzername nicht gefunden!";
while($rowUser = $statementUser->fetch())
$statementAuth = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM auth WHERE UUID = ? LIMIT 1");
$RUNTIME['DEBUG']['LOGIN']['UUID'] = $rowUser['PrincipalID'];
while($rowAuth = $statementAuth->fetch())
if(md5(md5($_POST['password']).":".$rowAuth['passwordSalt']) == $rowAuth['passwordHash'])
$_SESSION['USERNAME'] = trim($_POST['username']);
$_SESSION['FIRSTNAME'] = trim($rowUser['FirstName']);
$_SESSION['LASTNAME'] = trim($rowUser['LastName']);
$_SESSION['EMAIL'] = trim($rowUser['Email']);
$_SESSION['PASSWORD'] = $rowAuth['passwordHash'];
$_SESSION['SALT'] = $rowAuth['passwordSalt'];
$_SESSION['UUID'] = $rowUser['PrincipalID'];
$_SESSION['LEVEL'] = $rowUser['UserLevel'];
$_SESSION['DISPLAYNAME'] = strtoupper(trim($_POST['username']));
$_SESSION['LOGIN'] = 'true';
header("Location: index.php?page=".$_REQUEST['page']);
$RUNTIME['MESSAGE']['LOGINERROR'] = "Passwort falsch!";
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%LASTUSERNAME%%", $_POST['username']);
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%PAGENAME%%", @$_REQUEST['page']);
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%LOGINMESSAGE%%", "");
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%LASTUSERNAME%%", "");
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%PAGENAME%%", "dashboard");
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/password.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Passwort ändern");
if(isset($_REQUEST['oldPassword']) || @$_REQUEST['oldPassword'] != "")
$OLDPassword = trim($_REQUEST['oldPassword']);
if($OLDPassword != "")
if(md5(md5($OLDPassword).":".$_SESSION['SALT']) == $_SESSION['PASSWORD'])
if(isset($_REQUEST['newPassword']) || @$_REQUEST['newPassword'] != "")
$NewPassword = trim($_REQUEST['newPassword']);
if($NewPassword != "")
if(isset($_REQUEST['newPasswordRepeate']) || @$_REQUEST['newPasswordRepeate'] != "")
$NewPasswordRepeate = trim($_REQUEST['newPasswordRepeate']);
if($NewPasswordRepeate != "")
if($NewPasswordRepeate == $NewPassword)
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE auth SET passwordHash = :PasswordHash WHERE UUID = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['PasswordHash' => md5(md5($NewPassword).":".$_SESSION['SALT']), 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$_SESSION['PASSWORD'] = md5(md5($NewPassword).":".$_SESSION['SALT']);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Neues Passwort gespeichert.');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Passwörter stimmen nicht überein!');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Bitte gib das Passwort zur bestätigung noch einmal ein!');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Bitte gib das Passwort zur bestätigung noch einmal ein!');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Bitte gebe ein neues Passwort ein!');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Bitte gebe ein neues Passwort ein!');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Das alte Passwort ist nicht richtig!');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", 'Gebe bitte dein Passwort ein.');
$PartnerName = "";
$PartnerUUID = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getPartner($_SESSION['UUID']);
if($PartnerUUID != null)$PartnerName = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($PartnerUUID);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%offlineIMSTATE%%", ' ');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%firstname%%", $_SESSION['FIRSTNAME']);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%lastname%%", $_SESSION['LASTNAME']);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%partner%%", $PartnerName);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%email%%", $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserMail($_SESSION['UUID']));
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%listAllResidentsAsJSArray%%", "");
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", ' ');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", ' ');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", ' ');
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/profile.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Dein Profile");
if(isset($_REQUEST['formInputFeldVorname']) || @$_REQUEST['formInputFeldVorname'] != "")
$NewFirstName = trim($_REQUEST['formInputFeldVorname']);
if($NewFirstName != "")
if($_SESSION['FIRSTNAME'] != $NewFirstName)
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE UserAccounts SET FirstName = :FirstName WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['FirstName' => $NewFirstName, 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$_SESSION['FIRSTNAME'] = $NewFirstName;
if(isset($_REQUEST['formInputFeldNachname']) || @$_REQUEST['formInputFeldNachname'] != "")
$NewLastName = trim($_REQUEST['formInputFeldNachname']);
if($NewLastName != "")
if($_SESSION['LASTNAME'] != $NewLastName)
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE UserAccounts SET LastName = :LastName WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['LastName' => $NewLastName, 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$_SESSION['LASTNAME'] = $NewLastName;
if(isset($_REQUEST['formInputFeldEMail']) || @$_REQUEST['formInputFeldEMail'] != "")
$NewEMail = trim($_REQUEST['formInputFeldEMail']);
if($NewEMail != "")
if($_SESSION['EMAIL'] != $NewEMail)
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE UserAccounts SET Email = :Email WHERE PrincipalID = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['Email' => $NewEMail, 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE usersettings SET email = :Email WHERE useruuid = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['Email' => $NewEMail, 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$_SESSION['EMAIL'] = $NewEMail;
if(isset($_REQUEST['formInputFeldOfflineIM']) || @$_REQUEST['formInputFeldOfflineIM'] != "")
$NewOfflineIM = trim($_REQUEST['formInputFeldOfflineIM']);
if($NewOfflineIM != "")
if($NewOfflineIM == "on" || $NewOfflineIM == "true")
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE usersettings SET imviaemail = :IMState WHERE useruuid = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['IMState' => 'true', 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
}else if(!isset($_REQUEST['formInputFeldOfflineIM']) && isset($_REQUEST['saveProfileData'])){
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE usersettings SET imviaemail = :IMState WHERE useruuid = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['IMState' => 'false', 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
if(isset($_REQUEST['formInputFeldPartnerName']) || @$_REQUEST['formInputFeldPartnerName'] != "")
$NewPartner = trim($_REQUEST['formInputFeldPartnerName']);
$CurrentPartner = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getPartner($_SESSION['UUID']);
if($CurrentPartner != "")$CurrentPartner = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($CurrentPartner);
if($NewPartner != "")
if($CurrentPartner != $NewPartner)
$newPartnerUUID = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserUUID($NewPartner);
if($newPartnerUUID != null)
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE userprofile SET profilePartner = :profilePartner WHERE useruuid = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['profilePartner' => $newPartnerUUID, 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('UPDATE userprofile SET profilePartner = :profilePartner WHERE useruuid = :PrincipalID');
$statement->execute(['profilePartner' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'PrincipalID' => $_SESSION['UUID']]);
$statementLocalUsers = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserAccounts ORDER BY PrincipalID ASC");
$allUsers = "";
while($row = $statementLocalUsers->fetch())
$name = '"'.@$row['FirstName']." ".@$row['LastName'].'"';
if($allUsers != "")
$allUsers .= ",".$name;
$allUsers .= $name;
$allUsers .= '," "';
$PartnerUUID = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getPartner($_SESSION['UUID']);
$PartnerName = "";
if($PartnerUUID != null)$PartnerName = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($PartnerUUID);
if($RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->allowOfflineIM($_SESSION['UUID']) == "TRUE")$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%offlineIMSTATE%%", ' checked');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%offlineIMSTATE%%", ' ');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%firstname%%", $_SESSION['FIRSTNAME']);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%lastname%%", $_SESSION['LASTNAME']);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%partner%%", $PartnerName);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%email%%", $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserMail($_SESSION['UUID']));
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%listAllResidentsAsJSArray%%", "");
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", ' ');
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%INFOMESSAGE%%", ' ');
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/regions.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Deine Regionen");
$table = '<table class="table"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Region Name</th><th scope="col">Eigentümer</th><th scope="col">Position</th><th scope="col">Aktionen</th></thead><tbody>%%ENTRY%%</tbody></table>';
if(@$_SESSION['LEVEL'] > 100 && @$_REQUEST['SHOWALL'] == "1")
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM regions ORDER BY owner_uuid ASC");
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM regions WHERE owner_uuid = ? ORDER BY uuid ASC");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
$entry = '<tr><td>'.$row['regionName'].'</td><td>'.$RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($row['owner_uuid']).'</td><td>'.fillString(($row['locX'] / 256), 4).' / '.fillString(($row['locY'] / 256), 4).'</td><td>TELEPORT | LÖSCHEN</td></tr>';
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", $entry."%%ENTRY%%", $table);
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", "", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%REGION-LIST%%", $table);
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/register.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
$statementInviteCode = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM InviteCodes WHERE InviteCode = ? LIMIT 1");
if($statementInviteCode->rowCount() != 0)
$RUNTIME['REGISTER']['Name'] = null;
$RUNTIME['REGISTER']['TOS'] = false;
if(isset($_REQUEST['tos']) || @$_REQUEST['tos'] != "")
if(isset($_REQUEST['username']) || @$_REQUEST['username'] != "")
$name = trim($_REQUEST['username']);
if($name != "")
$nameParts = explode(" ", $name);
if(count($nameParts) == 1)
$name .= " Resident";
$nameParts = explode(" ", $name);
if(count($nameParts) <= 2)
$statementAvatarName = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserAccounts WHERE FirstName = :FirstName AND LastName = :LastName LIMIT 1");
$statementAvatarName->execute(['FirstName' => $nameParts[0], 'LastName' => $nameParts[1]]);
if($statementAvatarName->rowCount() == 0)
$RUNTIME['REGISTER']['Name'] = $name;
if(isset($_REQUEST['password']) || @$_REQUEST['password'] != "")
$pass = trim($_REQUEST['password']);
if($pass != "")
if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) || @$_REQUEST['email'] != "")
$email = trim($_REQUEST['email']);
if($email != "")
if(isset($_REQUEST['avatar']) || @$_REQUEST['avatar'] != "")
$avatar = trim($_REQUEST['avatar']);
if($avatar != "")
$HTML = new HTML();
if(isset($_REQUEST['doRegister']) || @$_REQUEST['doRegister'] != "")
if($RUNTIME['REGISTER']['TOS'] == true)
if($RUNTIME['REGISTER']['AVATAR'] != null && $RUNTIME['REGISTER']['EMAIL'] != null && $RUNTIME['REGISTER']['PASS'] != null && $RUNTIME['REGISTER']['Name'] != null && $RUNTIME['REGISTER']['TOS'] == true)
$avatarUUID = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->gen_uuid();
$passwordSalt = md5($avatarUUID.time());
$passwordHash = md5(md5($RUNTIME['REGISTER']['PASS']).":".$passwordSalt);
$avatarNameParts = explode(" ", $RUNTIME['REGISTER']['Name']);
$statementAuth = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth` (`UUID`, `passwordHash`, `passwordSalt`, `webLoginKey`, `accountType`) VALUES (:UUID, :HASHVALUE, :SALTVALUE, :WEBKEY, :ACCTYPE)');
$statementAuth->execute(['UUID' => $avatarUUID, 'HASHVALUE' => $passwordHash, 'SALTVALUE' => $passwordSalt, 'WEBKEY' => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 'ACCTYPE' => "UserAccount"]);
$statementAccounts = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO `UserAccounts` (`PrincipalID`, `ScopeID`, `FirstName`, `LastName`, `Email`, `ServiceURLs`, `Created`, `UserLevel`, `UserFlags`, `UserTitle`, `active`) VALUES (:PrincipalID, :ScopeID, :FirstName, :LastName, :Email, :ServiceURLs, :Created, :UserLevel, :UserFlags, :UserTitle, :active )');
$statementAccounts->execute(['PrincipalID' => $avatarUUID, 'ScopeID' => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 'FirstName' => $avatarNameParts[0], 'LastName' => $avatarNameParts[1], 'Email' => $RUNTIME['REGISTER']['EMAIL'], 'ServiceURLs' => "HomeURI= GatekeeperURI= InventoryServerURI= AssetServerURI= ", 'Created' => time(), 'UserLevel' => 0, 'UserFlags' => 0, 'UserTitle' => "", 'active' => 1]);
$statementProfile = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO `userprofile` (`useruuid`, `profilePartner`, `profileImage`, `profileFirstImage`) VALUES (:useruuid, :profilePartner, :profileImage, :profileFirstImage)');
$statementProfile->execute(['useruuid' => $avatarUUID, 'profilePartner' => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 'profileImage' => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 'profileFirstImage' => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]);
$Inventory = array('Calling Cards' => 2, 'Objects' => 6, 'Landmarks' => 3, 'Clothing' => 5, 'Gestures' => 21, 'Body Parts' => 13, 'Textures' => 0, 'Scripts' => 10, 'Photo Album' => 15, 'Lost And Found' => 16, 'Trash' => 14, 'Notecards' => 7, 'My Inventory' => 8, 'Sounds' => 1, 'Animations' => 20);
$InventoryRootFolder = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->gen_uuid();
foreach ($Inventory as $FolderName => $InventoryType)
$FolderUUID = $RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->gen_uuid();
if ($InventoryType == 8)
$FolderUUID = $InventoryRootFolder;
$FolderParent = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
$FolderParent = $InventoryRootFolder;
$statementInventoryFolder = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO `inventoryfolders` (`folderName`, `type`, `version`, `folderID`, `agentID`, `parentFolderID`) VALUES (:folderName, :folderTyp, :folderVersion, :folderID, :agentID, :parentFolderID)');
$statementInventoryFolder->execute(['agentID' => $avatarUUID, 'folderName' => $FolderName, 'folderTyp' => $InventoryType, 'folderVersion' => 1, 'folderID' => $FolderUUID, 'parentFolderID' => $FolderParent]);
$statementInviteDeleter = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('DELETE FROM InviteCodes WHERE InviteCode = :code');
$statementInviteDeleter->execute(['code' => $_REQUEST['code']]);
$_SESSION['FIRSTNAME'] = trim($avatarNameParts[0]);
$_SESSION['LASTNAME'] = trim($avatarNameParts[1]);
$_SESSION['PASSWORD'] = $passwordHash;
$_SESSION['SALT'] = $passwordSalt;
$_SESSION['UUID'] = $avatarUUID;
$_SESSION['DISPLAYNAME'] = strtoupper(trim($RUNTIME['REGISTER']['Name']));
$_SESSION['LOGIN'] = 'true';
include "./pages/dashboard.php";
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%MESSAGE%%", "Ups da stimmt was nicht. Versuche es bitte noch mal.");
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%MESSAGE%%", "Du musst die Nutzungsbedingungen lesen und Akzeptieren.");
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%MESSAGE%%", "");
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%tosURL%%", $RUNTIME['TOOLS']['TOS'] );
$HTML->ReplaceLayoutInhalt("%%INVCODE%%", $_REQUEST['code']);
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Online Anzeige");
$table = '<table class="table"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Benutzername</th><th scope="col">Region</th></thead><tbody>%%ENTRY%%</tbody></table>';
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM Presence ORDER BY RegionID ASC");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
if($row['RegionID'] != "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
$entry = '<tr><td>'.trim($RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getUserName($row['UserID'])).'</td><td>'.$RUNTIME['OPENSIM']->getRegionName($row['RegionID']).'</td></tr>';
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", $entry."%%ENTRY%%", $table);
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", "", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%ONLINE-LIST%%", $table);
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

pages/users.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
if(@$_SESSION['LEVEL'] < 100)
$HTML->setHTMLTitle("Kein Zugriff");
$HTML->SetSeitenInhalt("Dazu hast du keine Rechte!");
echo $HTML->ausgabe();
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `InviteCodes` (`InviteCode` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`InviteCode`))");
if(isset($_REQUEST['generateLink']) || @$_REQUEST['generateLink'] != "")
$inviteID = md5(time().$_SESSION['UUID'].rand(11111, 9999999));
$link = "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/index.php?page=register&code=".$inviteID;
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare('INSERT INTO `InviteCodes` (`InviteCode`) VALUES (:InviteCode)');
$statement->execute(['InviteCode' => $inviteID]);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%link%%", $link);
$table = '<table class="table"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Vorname</th><th scope="col">Nachname</th><th scope="col">Status</th><th scope="col">Aktionen</th></thead><tbody>%%ENTRY%%</tbody></table>';
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserAccounts ORDER BY Created ASC");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
$entry = '<tr><td>'.$row['FirstName'].'</td><td>'.$row['LastName'].'</td><td>'.$row['UserLevel'].'</td><td>PASSWORT ÄNDERN | SPERREN</td></tr>';
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", $entry."%%ENTRY%%", $table);
$table = str_replace("%%ENTRY%%", "", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%REGION-LIST%%", $table);
$HTML->ReplaceSeitenInhalt("%%link%%", ' ');
echo $HTML->ausgabe();

style/4Creative.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
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style/default/css/sb-admin.css Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

style/default/css/sb-admin.min.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
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var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx, {
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label: "Sessions",
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// Set new default font family and font color to mimic Bootstrap's default styling = '-apple-system,system-ui,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif'; = '#292b2c';
// Bar Chart Example
var ctx = document.getElementById("myBarChart");
var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June"],
datasets: [{
label: "Revenue",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Set new default font family and font color to mimic Bootstrap's default styling = '-apple-system,system-ui,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif'; = '#292b2c';
// Pie Chart Example
var ctx = document.getElementById("myPieChart");
var myPieChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'pie',
data: {
labels: ["Blue", "Red", "Yellow", "Green"],
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data: [12.21, 15.58, 11.25, 8.32],
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// Call the dataTables jQuery plugin
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
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style/default/js/sb-admin.min.js vendored Normal file
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* Copyright 2013-2019 Start Bootstrap
* Licensed under MIT (
!function(l){"use strict";l("#sidebarToggle").on("click",function(o){o.preventDefault(),l("body").toggleClass("sidebar-toggled"),l(".sidebar").toggleClass("toggled")}),l("body.fixed-nav .sidebar").on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll wheel",function(o){if(768<l(window).width()){var e=o.originalEvent,t=e.wheelDelta||-e.detail;this.scrollTop+=30*(t<0?1:-1),o.preventDefault()}}),l(document).on("scroll",function(){100<l(this).scrollTop()?l(".scroll-to-top").fadeIn():l(".scroll-to-top").fadeOut()}),l(document).on("click","a.scroll-to-top",function(o){var e=l(this);l("html, body").stop().animate({scrollTop:l(e.attr("href")).offset().top},1e3,"easeInOutExpo"),o.preventDefault()})}(jQuery);

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// Styling for custom cards
// Custom class for the background icon in card blocks
.card-body-icon {
position: absolute;
z-index: 0;
top: -1.25rem;
right: -1rem;
opacity: 0.4;
font-size: 5rem;
@include rotate;
// Override breakpoints for card columns to work well with sidebar layout
.card-columns {
@media (min-width: 576px) {
column-count: 1;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
column-count: 2;
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
column-count: 2;

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footer.sticky-footer {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: calc(100% - #{$sidebar-collapsed-width});
height: $sticky-footer-height;
background-color: $gray-200;
.copyright {
line-height: 1;
font-size: 0.8rem;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
width: calc(100% - #{$sidebar-base-width});
body.sidebar-toggled {
footer.sticky-footer {
width: 100%;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
footer.sticky-footer {
width: calc(100% - #{$sidebar-collapsed-width});

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// Global styling for this template
html {
position: relative;
min-height: 100%;
body {
height: 100%;
#wrapper {
display: flex;
#content-wrapper {
overflow-x: hidden;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 1rem;
padding-bottom: $sticky-footer-height;
// Scroll to top button
.scroll-to-top {
position: fixed;
right: 15px;
bottom: 15px;
display: none;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
text-align: center;
color: $white;
background: fade-out($gray-800, .5);
line-height: 46px;
&:hover {
color: white;
&:hover {
background: $gray-800;
i {
font-weight: 800;

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:root {
--input-padding-x: 0.75rem;
--input-padding-y: 0.75rem;
.card-login {
max-width: 25rem;
.card-register {
max-width: 40rem;
.form-label-group {
position: relative;
.form-label-group > input,
.form-label-group > label {
padding: var(--input-padding-y) var(--input-padding-x);
height: auto;
.form-label-group > label {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
display: block;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 0;
/* Override default `<label>` margin */
line-height: 1.5;
color: #495057;
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-radius: 0.25rem;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
.form-label-group input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: transparent;
.form-label-group input:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: transparent;
.form-label-group input::-ms-input-placeholder {
color: transparent;
.form-label-group input::-moz-placeholder {
color: transparent;
.form-label-group input::placeholder {
color: transparent;
.form-label-group input:not(:placeholder-shown) {
padding-top: calc(var(--input-padding-y) + var(--input-padding-y) * (2 / 3));
padding-bottom: calc(var(--input-padding-y) / 3);
.form-label-group input:not(:placeholder-shown) ~ label {
padding-top: calc(var(--input-padding-y) / 3);
padding-bottom: calc(var(--input-padding-y) / 3);
font-size: 12px;
color: #777;

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@mixin rotate {
transform: rotate(15deg);
@mixin sidebar-icons {
.nav-item {
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
.nav-link {
text-align: center;
padding: 0.75rem 1rem;
width: $sidebar-collapsed-width;
span {
font-size: 0.65rem;
display: block;
.dropdown-menu {
position: absolute !important;
transform: none !important;
left: calc(#{$sidebar-collapsed-width} + 0.5rem) !important;
margin: 0;
&.dropup {
bottom: 0;
top: auto !important;
&.dropdown .dropdown-toggle::after {
display: none;

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
.navbar-nav {
.form-inline .input-group {
width: 100%;
.nav-item {
&.active {
.nav-link {
color: $white;
&.dropdown {
.dropdown-toggle {
&::after {
width: 1rem;
text-align: center;
float: right;
vertical-align: 0;
border: 0;
font-weight: 900;
content: '\f105';
font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
&.show {
.dropdown-toggle::after {
content: '\f107';
&.no-arrow {
.dropdown-toggle::after {
display: none;
.nav-link {
&:focus {
// remove outline for Safari and Firefox
outline: none;
.badge {
position: absolute;
margin-left: 0.75rem;
top: 0.3rem;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 0.5rem;
@media(min-width: 768px) {
.form-inline .input-group {
width: auto;
.sidebar {
width: $sidebar-collapsed-width !important;
background-color: $gray-900;
min-height: calc(100vh - #{$navbar-base-height});
@include sidebar-icons;
.nav-item {
.nav-link {
color: fade-out($white, 0.5);
&:hover {
color: fade-out($white, 0.25);
&.toggled {
width: 0 !important;
overflow: hidden;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.sidebar {
width: $sidebar-base-width !important;
.nav-item {
.nav-link {
display: block;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
padding: 1rem;
width: $sidebar-base-width;
span {
font-size: 1rem;
display: inline;
.dropdown-menu {
position: static !important;
margin: 0 1rem;
// Position fix for Firefox
top: 0;
&.dropdown .dropdown-toggle::after {
display: block;
&.toggled {
overflow: visible;
width: $sidebar-collapsed-width !important;
@include sidebar-icons;

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// Additional Text Helper Class
.smaller {
font-size: 0.7rem;
// Helper class for the overflow property
.o-hidden {
overflow: hidden !important;
// Helper classes for z-index
.z-0 {
z-index: 0;
.z-1 {
z-index: 1;

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// Spacing Variables
// Change below variable if the height of the navbar changes
$navbar-base-height: 56px;
// Change below variable to change the width of the sidenav
$sidebar-base-width: 225px;
// Change below variable to change the width of the sidenav when collapsed
$sidebar-collapsed-width: 90px;
// Change below variable to change the height of the sticky footer
$sticky-footer-height: 80px;

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// Import Custom Variables
@import "variables.scss";
// Import Bootstrap
@import "../vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";
// Import Custom SCSS
@import "mixins.scss";
@import "global.scss";
@import "utilities.scss";
@import "navbar.scss";
@import "cards.scss";
@import "login.scss";
@import "footer.scss";

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Base styles
.alert {
position: relative;
padding: $alert-padding-y $alert-padding-x;
margin-bottom: $alert-margin-bottom;
border: $alert-border-width solid transparent;
@include border-radius($alert-border-radius);
// Headings for larger alerts
.alert-heading {
// Specified to prevent conflicts of changing $headings-color
color: inherit;
// Provide class for links that match alerts
.alert-link {
font-weight: $alert-link-font-weight;
// Dismissible alerts
// Expand the right padding and account for the close button's positioning.
.alert-dismissible {
padding-right: $close-font-size + $alert-padding-x * 2;
// Adjust close link position
.close {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
padding: $alert-padding-y $alert-padding-x;
color: inherit;
// Alternate styles
// Generate contextual modifier classes for colorizing the alert.
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
.alert-#{$color} {
@include alert-variant(theme-color-level($color, $alert-bg-level), theme-color-level($color, $alert-border-level), theme-color-level($color, $alert-color-level));

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// Base class
// Requires one of the contextual, color modifier classes for `color` and
// `background-color`.
.badge {
display: inline-block;
padding: $badge-padding-y $badge-padding-x;
@include font-size($badge-font-size);
font-weight: $badge-font-weight;
line-height: 1;
text-align: center;
white-space: nowrap;
vertical-align: baseline;
@include border-radius($badge-border-radius);
@include transition($badge-transition);
@at-root a#{&} {
@include hover-focus {
text-decoration: none;
// Empty badges collapse automatically
&:empty {
display: none;
// Quick fix for badges in buttons
.btn .badge {
position: relative;
top: -1px;
// Pill badges
// Make them extra rounded with a modifier to replace v3's badges.
.badge-pill {
padding-right: $badge-pill-padding-x;
padding-left: $badge-pill-padding-x;
@include border-radius($badge-pill-border-radius);
// Colors
// Contextual variations (linked badges get darker on :hover).
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
.badge-#{$color} {
@include badge-variant($value);

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
.breadcrumb {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding: $breadcrumb-padding-y $breadcrumb-padding-x;
margin-bottom: $breadcrumb-margin-bottom;
list-style: none;
background-color: $breadcrumb-bg;
@include border-radius($breadcrumb-border-radius);
.breadcrumb-item {
// The separator between breadcrumbs (by default, a forward-slash: "/")
+ .breadcrumb-item {
padding-left: $breadcrumb-item-padding;
&::before {
display: inline-block; // Suppress underlining of the separator in modern browsers
padding-right: $breadcrumb-item-padding;
color: $breadcrumb-divider-color;
content: $breadcrumb-divider;
// IE9-11 hack to properly handle hyperlink underlines for breadcrumbs built
// without `<ul>`s. The `::before` pseudo-element generates an element
// *within* the .breadcrumb-item and thereby inherits the `text-decoration`.
// To trick IE into suppressing the underline, we give the pseudo-element an
// underline and then immediately remove it.
+ .breadcrumb-item:hover::before {
text-decoration: underline;
// stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
+ .breadcrumb-item:hover::before {
text-decoration: none;
&.active {
color: $breadcrumb-active-color;

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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
// stylelint-disable selector-no-qualifying-type
// Make the div behave like a button
.btn-group-vertical {
position: relative;
display: inline-flex;
vertical-align: middle; // match .btn alignment given font-size hack above
> .btn {
position: relative;
flex: 1 1 auto;
// Bring the hover, focused, and "active" buttons to the front to overlay
// the borders properly
@include hover {
z-index: 1;
&.active {
z-index: 1;
// Optional: Group multiple button groups together for a toolbar
.btn-toolbar {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: flex-start;
.input-group {
width: auto;
.btn-group {
// Prevent double borders when buttons are next to each other
> .btn:not(:first-child),
> .btn-group:not(:first-child) {
margin-left: -$btn-border-width;
// Reset rounded corners
> .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
> .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {
@include border-right-radius(0);
> .btn:not(:first-child),
> .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {
@include border-left-radius(0);
// Sizing
// Remix the default button sizing classes into new ones for easier manipulation.
.btn-group-sm > .btn { @extend .btn-sm; }
.btn-group-lg > .btn { @extend .btn-lg; }
// Split button dropdowns
.dropdown-toggle-split {
padding-right: $btn-padding-x * .75;
padding-left: $btn-padding-x * .75;
.dropup &::after,
.dropright &::after {
margin-left: 0;
.dropleft &::before {
margin-right: 0;
.btn-sm + .dropdown-toggle-split {
padding-right: $btn-padding-x-sm * .75;
padding-left: $btn-padding-x-sm * .75;
.btn-lg + .dropdown-toggle-split {
padding-right: $btn-padding-x-lg * .75;
padding-left: $btn-padding-x-lg * .75;
// The clickable button for toggling the menu
// Set the same inset shadow as the :active state .dropdown-toggle {
@include box-shadow($btn-active-box-shadow);
// Show no shadow for `.btn-link` since it has no other button styles.
&.btn-link {
@include box-shadow(none);
// Vertical button groups
.btn-group-vertical {
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: center;
> .btn,
> .btn-group {
width: 100%;
> .btn:not(:first-child),
> .btn-group:not(:first-child) {
margin-top: -$btn-border-width;
// Reset rounded corners
> .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
> .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {
@include border-bottom-radius(0);
> .btn:not(:first-child),
> .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {
@include border-top-radius(0);
// Checkbox and radio options
// In order to support the browser's form validation feedback, powered by the
// `required` attribute, we have to "hide" the inputs via `clip`. We cannot use
// `display: none;` or `visibility: hidden;` as that also hides the popover.
// Simply visually hiding the inputs via `opacity` would leave them clickable in
// certain cases which is prevented by using `clip` and `pointer-events`.
// This way, we ensure a DOM element is visible to position the popover from.
// See and
// for more information.
.btn-group-toggle {
> .btn,
> .btn-group > .btn {
margin-bottom: 0; // Override default `<label>` value
input[type="checkbox"] {
position: absolute;
clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
pointer-events: none;

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// stylelint-disable selector-no-qualifying-type
// Base styles
.btn {
display: inline-block;
font-family: $btn-font-family;
font-weight: $btn-font-weight;
color: $body-color;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
user-select: none;
background-color: transparent;
border: $btn-border-width solid transparent;
@include button-size($btn-padding-y, $btn-padding-x, $btn-font-size, $btn-line-height, $btn-border-radius);
@include transition($btn-transition);
@include hover {
color: $body-color;
text-decoration: none;
&.focus {
outline: 0;
box-shadow: $btn-focus-box-shadow;
// Disabled comes first so active can properly restyle
&:disabled {
opacity: $btn-disabled-opacity;
@include box-shadow(none);
&:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active {
@include box-shadow($btn-active-box-shadow);
&:focus {
@include box-shadow($btn-focus-box-shadow, $btn-active-box-shadow);
// Future-proof disabling of clicks on `<a>` elements
fieldset:disabled a.btn {
pointer-events: none;
// Alternate buttons
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
.btn-#{$color} {
@include button-variant($value, $value);
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
.btn-outline-#{$color} {
@include button-outline-variant($value);
// Link buttons
// Make a button look and behave like a link
.btn-link {
font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
color: $link-color;
text-decoration: $link-decoration;
@include hover {
color: $link-hover-color;
text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;
&.focus {
text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;
box-shadow: none;
&.disabled {
color: $btn-link-disabled-color;
pointer-events: none;
// No need for an active state here
// Button Sizes
.btn-lg {
@include button-size($btn-padding-y-lg, $btn-padding-x-lg, $btn-font-size-lg, $btn-line-height-lg, $btn-border-radius-lg);
.btn-sm {
@include button-size($btn-padding-y-sm, $btn-padding-x-sm, $btn-font-size-sm, $btn-line-height-sm, $btn-border-radius-sm);
// Block button
.btn-block {
display: block;
width: 100%;
// Vertically space out multiple block buttons
+ .btn-block {
margin-top: $btn-block-spacing-y;
// Specificity overrides
input[type="button"] {
&.btn-block {
width: 100%;

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// Base styles
.card {
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
min-width: 0; // See
word-wrap: break-word;
background-color: $card-bg;
background-clip: border-box;
border: $card-border-width solid $card-border-color;
@include border-radius($card-border-radius);
> hr {
margin-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
> .list-group:first-child {
.list-group-item:first-child {
@include border-top-radius($card-border-radius);
> .list-group:last-child {
.list-group-item:last-child {
@include border-bottom-radius($card-border-radius);
.card-body {
// Enable `flex-grow: 1` for decks and groups so that card blocks take up
// as much space as possible, ensuring footers are aligned to the bottom.
flex: 1 1 auto;
padding: $card-spacer-x;
color: $card-color;
.card-title {
margin-bottom: $card-spacer-y;
.card-subtitle {
margin-top: -$card-spacer-y / 2;
margin-bottom: 0;
.card-text:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
.card-link {
@include hover {
text-decoration: none;
+ .card-link {
margin-left: $card-spacer-x;
// Optional textual caps
.card-header {
padding: $card-spacer-y $card-spacer-x;
margin-bottom: 0; // Removes the default margin-bottom of <hN>
color: $card-cap-color;
background-color: $card-cap-bg;
border-bottom: $card-border-width solid $card-border-color;
&:first-child {
@include border-radius($card-inner-border-radius $card-inner-border-radius 0 0);
+ .list-group {
.list-group-item:first-child {
border-top: 0;
.card-footer {
padding: $card-spacer-y $card-spacer-x;
background-color: $card-cap-bg;
border-top: $card-border-width solid $card-border-color;
&:last-child {
@include border-radius(0 0 $card-inner-border-radius $card-inner-border-radius);
// Header navs
.card-header-tabs {
margin-right: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
margin-bottom: -$card-spacer-y;
margin-left: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
border-bottom: 0;
.card-header-pills {
margin-right: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
margin-left: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
// Card image
.card-img-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
padding: $card-img-overlay-padding;
.card-img {
width: 100%; // Required because we use flexbox and this inherently applies align-self: stretch
@include border-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
// Card image caps
.card-img-top {
width: 100%; // Required because we use flexbox and this inherently applies align-self: stretch
@include border-top-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
.card-img-bottom {
width: 100%; // Required because we use flexbox and this inherently applies align-self: stretch
@include border-bottom-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
// Card deck
.card-deck {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.card {
margin-bottom: $card-deck-margin;
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
flex-flow: row wrap;
margin-right: -$card-deck-margin;
margin-left: -$card-deck-margin;
.card {
display: flex;
// Flexbugs #4:
flex: 1 0 0%;
flex-direction: column;
margin-right: $card-deck-margin;
margin-bottom: 0; // Override the default
margin-left: $card-deck-margin;
// Card groups
.card-group {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
// The child selector allows nested `.card` within `.card-group`
// to display properly.
> .card {
margin-bottom: $card-group-margin;
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
flex-flow: row wrap;
// The child selector allows nested `.card` within `.card-group`
// to display properly.
> .card {
// Flexbugs #4:
flex: 1 0 0%;
margin-bottom: 0;
+ .card {
margin-left: 0;
border-left: 0;
// Handle rounded corners
@if $enable-rounded {
&:not(:last-child) {
@include border-right-radius(0);
.card-header {
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-top-right-radius: 0;
.card-footer {
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
&:not(:first-child) {
@include border-left-radius(0);
.card-header {
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-top-left-radius: 0;
.card-footer {
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
// Columns
.card-columns {
.card {
margin-bottom: $card-columns-margin;
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
column-count: $card-columns-count;
column-gap: $card-columns-gap;
orphans: 1;
widows: 1;
.card {
display: inline-block; // Don't let them vertically span multiple columns
width: 100%; // Don't let their width change
// Accordion
.accordion {
> .card {
overflow: hidden;
&:not(:first-of-type) {
.card-header:first-child {
@include border-radius(0);
&:not(:last-of-type) {
border-bottom: 0;
@include border-radius(0);
&:first-of-type {
border-bottom: 0;
@include border-bottom-radius(0);
&:last-of-type {
@include border-top-radius(0);
.card-header {
margin-bottom: -$card-border-width;

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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// Notes on the classes:
// 1. .carousel.pointer-event should ideally be pan-y (to allow for users to scroll vertically)
// even when their scroll action started on a carousel, but for compatibility (with Firefox)
// we're preventing all actions instead
// 2. The .carousel-item-left and .carousel-item-right is used to indicate where
// the active slide is heading.
// 3. .active.carousel-item is the current slide.
// 4. .active.carousel-item-left and .active.carousel-item-right is the current
// slide in its in-transition state. Only one of these occurs at a time.
// 5. .carousel-item-next.carousel-item-left and .carousel-item-prev.carousel-item-right
// is the upcoming slide in transition.
.carousel {
position: relative;
.carousel.pointer-event {
touch-action: pan-y;
.carousel-inner {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
@include clearfix();
.carousel-item {
position: relative;
display: none;
float: left;
width: 100%;
margin-right: -100%;
backface-visibility: hidden;
@include transition($carousel-transition);
.carousel-item-prev {
display: block;
.active.carousel-item-right {
transform: translateX(100%);
.active.carousel-item-left {
transform: translateX(-100%);
// Alternate transitions
.carousel-fade {
.carousel-item {
opacity: 0;
transition-property: opacity;
transform: none;
.carousel-item-prev.carousel-item-right {
z-index: 1;
opacity: 1;
.active.carousel-item-right {
z-index: 0;
opacity: 0;
@include transition(0s $carousel-transition-duration opacity);
// Left/right controls for nav
.carousel-control-next {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 1;
// Use flex for alignment (1-3)
display: flex; // 1. allow flex styles
align-items: center; // 2. vertically center contents
justify-content: center; // 3. horizontally center contents
width: $carousel-control-width;
color: $carousel-control-color;
text-align: center;
opacity: $carousel-control-opacity;
@include transition($carousel-control-transition);
// Hover/focus state
@include hover-focus {
color: $carousel-control-color;
text-decoration: none;
outline: 0;
opacity: $carousel-control-hover-opacity;
.carousel-control-prev {
left: 0;
@if $enable-gradients {
background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($black, .25), rgba($black, .001));
.carousel-control-next {
right: 0;
@if $enable-gradients {
background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba($black, .25), rgba($black, .001));
// Icons for within
.carousel-control-next-icon {
display: inline-block;
width: $carousel-control-icon-width;
height: $carousel-control-icon-width;
background: no-repeat 50% / 100% 100%;
.carousel-control-prev-icon {
background-image: $carousel-control-prev-icon-bg;
.carousel-control-next-icon {
background-image: $carousel-control-next-icon-bg;
// Optional indicator pips
// Add an ordered list with the following class and add a list item for each
// slide your carousel holds.
.carousel-indicators {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 15;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
padding-left: 0; // override <ol> default
// Use the .carousel-control's width as margin so we don't overlay those
margin-right: $carousel-control-width;
margin-left: $carousel-control-width;
list-style: none;
li {
box-sizing: content-box;
flex: 0 1 auto;
width: $carousel-indicator-width;
height: $carousel-indicator-height;
margin-right: $carousel-indicator-spacer;
margin-left: $carousel-indicator-spacer;
text-indent: -999px;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: $carousel-indicator-active-bg;
background-clip: padding-box;
// Use transparent borders to increase the hit area by 10px on top and bottom.
border-top: $carousel-indicator-hit-area-height solid transparent;
border-bottom: $carousel-indicator-hit-area-height solid transparent;
opacity: .5;
@include transition($carousel-indicator-transition);
.active {
opacity: 1;
// Optional captions
.carousel-caption {
position: absolute;
right: (100% - $carousel-caption-width) / 2;
bottom: 20px;
left: (100% - $carousel-caption-width) / 2;
z-index: 10;
padding-top: 20px;
padding-bottom: 20px;
color: $carousel-caption-color;
text-align: center;

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
.close {
float: right;
@include font-size($close-font-size);
font-weight: $close-font-weight;
line-height: 1;
color: $close-color;
text-shadow: $close-text-shadow;
opacity: .5;
// Override <a>'s hover style
@include hover {
color: $close-color;
text-decoration: none;
&:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
@include hover-focus {
opacity: .75;
// Additional properties for button version
// iOS requires the button element instead of an anchor tag.
// If you want the anchor version, it requires `href="#"`.
// See
// stylelint-disable-next-line selector-no-qualifying-type
button.close {
padding: 0;
background-color: transparent;
border: 0;
appearance: none;
// Future-proof disabling of clicks on `<a>` elements
// stylelint-disable-next-line selector-no-qualifying-type
a.close.disabled {
pointer-events: none;

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Inline code
code {
@include font-size($code-font-size);
color: $code-color;
word-break: break-word;
// Streamline the style when inside anchors to avoid broken underline and more
a > & {
color: inherit;
// User input typically entered via keyboard
kbd {
padding: $kbd-padding-y $kbd-padding-x;
@include font-size($kbd-font-size);
color: $kbd-color;
background-color: $kbd-bg;
@include border-radius($border-radius-sm);
@include box-shadow($kbd-box-shadow);
kbd {
padding: 0;
@include font-size(100%);
font-weight: $nested-kbd-font-weight;
@include box-shadow(none);
// Blocks of code
pre {
display: block;
@include font-size($code-font-size);
color: $pre-color;
// Account for some code outputs that place code tags in pre tags
code {
@include font-size(inherit);
color: inherit;
word-break: normal;
// Enable scrollable blocks of code
.pre-scrollable {
max-height: $pre-scrollable-max-height;
overflow-y: scroll;

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@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
// Embedded icons from Open Iconic.
// Released under MIT and copyright 2014 Waybury.
// Checkboxes and radios
// Base class takes care of all the key behavioral aspects.
.custom-control {
position: relative;
display: block;
min-height: $font-size-base * $line-height-base;
padding-left: $custom-control-gutter + $custom-control-indicator-size;
.custom-control-inline {
display: inline-flex;
margin-right: $custom-control-spacer-x;
.custom-control-input {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1; // Put the input behind the label so it doesn't overlay text
opacity: 0;
&:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-color;
border-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-border-color;
@include gradient-bg($custom-control-indicator-checked-bg);
@include box-shadow($custom-control-indicator-checked-box-shadow);
&:focus ~ .custom-control-label::before {
// the mixin is not used here to make sure there is feedback
@if $enable-shadows {
box-shadow: $input-box-shadow, $input-focus-box-shadow;
} @else {
box-shadow: $custom-control-indicator-focus-box-shadow;
&:focus:not(:checked) ~ .custom-control-label::before {
border-color: $custom-control-indicator-focus-border-color;
&:not(:disabled):active ~ .custom-control-label::before {
color: $custom-control-indicator-active-color;
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-active-bg;
border-color: $custom-control-indicator-active-border-color;
@include box-shadow($custom-control-indicator-active-box-shadow);
&:disabled {
~ .custom-control-label {
color: $custom-control-label-disabled-color;
&::before {
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-disabled-bg;
// Custom control indicators
// Build the custom controls out of pseudo-elements.
.custom-control-label {
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 0;
vertical-align: top;
// Background-color and (when enabled) gradient
&::before {
position: absolute;
top: ($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) / 2;
left: -($custom-control-gutter + $custom-control-indicator-size);
display: block;
width: $custom-control-indicator-size;
height: $custom-control-indicator-size;
pointer-events: none;
content: "";
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-bg;
border: $custom-control-indicator-border-color solid $custom-control-indicator-border-width;
@include box-shadow($custom-control-indicator-box-shadow);
// Foreground (icon)
&::after {
position: absolute;
top: ($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) / 2;
left: -($custom-control-gutter + $custom-control-indicator-size);
display: block;
width: $custom-control-indicator-size;
height: $custom-control-indicator-size;
content: "";
background: no-repeat 50% / #{$custom-control-indicator-bg-size};
// Checkboxes
// Tweak just a few things for checkboxes.
.custom-checkbox {
.custom-control-label::before {
@include border-radius($custom-checkbox-indicator-border-radius);
.custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label {
&::after {
background-image: $custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-checked;
.custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label {
&::before {
border-color: $custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-border-color;
@include gradient-bg($custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-bg);
@include box-shadow($custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-box-shadow);
&::after {
background-image: $custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-indeterminate;
.custom-control-input:disabled {
&:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
&:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::before {
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
// Radios
// Tweak just a few things for radios.
.custom-radio {
.custom-control-label::before {
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-radius: $custom-radio-indicator-border-radius;
.custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label {
&::after {
background-image: $custom-radio-indicator-icon-checked;
.custom-control-input:disabled {
&:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
// switches
// Tweak a few things for switches
.custom-switch {
padding-left: $custom-switch-width + $custom-control-gutter;
.custom-control-label {
&::before {
left: -($custom-switch-width + $custom-control-gutter);
width: $custom-switch-width;
pointer-events: all;
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-radius: $custom-switch-indicator-border-radius;
&::after {
top: calc(#{(($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) / 2)} + #{$custom-control-indicator-border-width * 2});
left: calc(#{-($custom-switch-width + $custom-control-gutter)} + #{$custom-control-indicator-border-width * 2});
width: $custom-switch-indicator-size;
height: $custom-switch-indicator-size;
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-border-color;
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-radius: $custom-switch-indicator-border-radius;
@include transition(transform .15s ease-in-out, $custom-forms-transition);
.custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label {
&::after {
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-bg;
transform: translateX($custom-switch-width - $custom-control-indicator-size);
.custom-control-input:disabled {
&:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
// Select
// Replaces the browser default select with a custom one, mostly pulled from
.custom-select {
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: $custom-select-height;
padding: $custom-select-padding-y ($custom-select-padding-x + $custom-select-indicator-padding) $custom-select-padding-y $custom-select-padding-x;
font-family: $custom-select-font-family;
@include font-size($custom-select-font-size);
font-weight: $custom-select-font-weight;
line-height: $custom-select-line-height;
color: $custom-select-color;
vertical-align: middle;
background: $custom-select-background;
background-color: $custom-select-bg;
border: $custom-select-border-width solid $custom-select-border-color;
@include border-radius($custom-select-border-radius, 0);
@include box-shadow($custom-select-box-shadow);
appearance: none;
&:focus {
border-color: $custom-select-focus-border-color;
outline: 0;
@if $enable-shadows {
box-shadow: $custom-select-box-shadow, $custom-select-focus-box-shadow;
} @else {
box-shadow: $custom-select-focus-box-shadow;
&::-ms-value {
// For visual consistency with other platforms/browsers,
// suppress the default white text on blue background highlight given to
// the selected option text when the (still closed) <select> receives focus
// in IE and (under certain conditions) Edge.
// See
color: $input-color;
background-color: $input-bg;
&[size]:not([size="1"]) {
height: auto;
padding-right: $custom-select-padding-x;
background-image: none;
&:disabled {
color: $custom-select-disabled-color;
background-color: $custom-select-disabled-bg;
// Hides the default caret in IE11
&::-ms-expand {
display: none;
.custom-select-sm {
height: $custom-select-height-sm;
padding-top: $custom-select-padding-y-sm;
padding-bottom: $custom-select-padding-y-sm;
padding-left: $custom-select-padding-x-sm;
@include font-size($custom-select-font-size-sm);
.custom-select-lg {
height: $custom-select-height-lg;
padding-top: $custom-select-padding-y-lg;
padding-bottom: $custom-select-padding-y-lg;
padding-left: $custom-select-padding-x-lg;
@include font-size($custom-select-font-size-lg);
// File
// Custom file input.
.custom-file {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: $custom-file-height;
margin-bottom: 0;
.custom-file-input {
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
width: 100%;
height: $custom-file-height;
margin: 0;
opacity: 0;
&:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
border-color: $custom-file-focus-border-color;
box-shadow: $custom-file-focus-box-shadow;
&:disabled ~ .custom-file-label {
background-color: $custom-file-disabled-bg;
@each $lang, $value in $custom-file-text {
&:lang(#{$lang}) ~ .custom-file-label::after {
content: $value;
~ .custom-file-label[data-browse]::after {
content: attr(data-browse);
.custom-file-label {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 1;
height: $custom-file-height;
padding: $custom-file-padding-y $custom-file-padding-x;
font-family: $custom-file-font-family;
font-weight: $custom-file-font-weight;
line-height: $custom-file-line-height;
color: $custom-file-color;
background-color: $custom-file-bg;
border: $custom-file-border-width solid $custom-file-border-color;
@include border-radius($custom-file-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($custom-file-box-shadow);
&::after {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 3;
display: block;
height: $custom-file-height-inner;
padding: $custom-file-padding-y $custom-file-padding-x;
line-height: $custom-file-line-height;
color: $custom-file-button-color;
content: "Browse";
@include gradient-bg($custom-file-button-bg);
border-left: inherit;
@include border-radius(0 $custom-file-border-radius $custom-file-border-radius 0);
// Range
// Style range inputs the same across browsers. Vendor-specific rules for pseudo
// elements cannot be mixed. As such, there are no shared styles for focus or
// active states on prefixed selectors.
.custom-range {
width: 100%;
height: calc(#{$custom-range-thumb-height} + #{$custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow-width * 2});
padding: 0; // Need to reset padding
background-color: transparent;
appearance: none;
&:focus {
outline: none;
// Pseudo-elements must be split across multiple rulesets to have an effect.
// No box-shadow() mixin for focus accessibility.
&::-webkit-slider-thumb { box-shadow: $custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow; }
&::-moz-range-thumb { box-shadow: $custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow; }
&::-ms-thumb { box-shadow: $custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow; }
&::-moz-focus-outer {
border: 0;
&::-webkit-slider-thumb {
width: $custom-range-thumb-width;
height: $custom-range-thumb-height;
margin-top: ($custom-range-track-height - $custom-range-thumb-height) / 2; // Webkit specific
@include gradient-bg($custom-range-thumb-bg);
border: $custom-range-thumb-border;
@include border-radius($custom-range-thumb-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($custom-range-thumb-box-shadow);
@include transition($custom-forms-transition);
appearance: none;
&:active {
@include gradient-bg($custom-range-thumb-active-bg);
&::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
width: $custom-range-track-width;
height: $custom-range-track-height;
color: transparent; // Why?
cursor: $custom-range-track-cursor;
background-color: $custom-range-track-bg;
border-color: transparent;
@include border-radius($custom-range-track-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($custom-range-track-box-shadow);
&::-moz-range-thumb {
width: $custom-range-thumb-width;
height: $custom-range-thumb-height;
@include gradient-bg($custom-range-thumb-bg);
border: $custom-range-thumb-border;
@include border-radius($custom-range-thumb-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($custom-range-thumb-box-shadow);
@include transition($custom-forms-transition);
appearance: none;
&:active {
@include gradient-bg($custom-range-thumb-active-bg);
&::-moz-range-track {
width: $custom-range-track-width;
height: $custom-range-track-height;
color: transparent;
cursor: $custom-range-track-cursor;
background-color: $custom-range-track-bg;
border-color: transparent; // Firefox specific?
@include border-radius($custom-range-track-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($custom-range-track-box-shadow);
&::-ms-thumb {
width: $custom-range-thumb-width;
height: $custom-range-thumb-height;
margin-top: 0; // Edge specific
margin-right: $custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow-width; // Workaround that overflowed box-shadow is hidden.
margin-left: $custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow-width; // Workaround that overflowed box-shadow is hidden.
@include gradient-bg($custom-range-thumb-bg);
border: $custom-range-thumb-border;
@include border-radius($custom-range-thumb-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($custom-range-thumb-box-shadow);
@include transition($custom-forms-transition);
appearance: none;
&:active {
@include gradient-bg($custom-range-thumb-active-bg);
&::-ms-track {
width: $custom-range-track-width;
height: $custom-range-track-height;
color: transparent;
cursor: $custom-range-track-cursor;
background-color: transparent;
border-color: transparent;
border-width: $custom-range-thumb-height / 2;
@include box-shadow($custom-range-track-box-shadow);
&::-ms-fill-lower {
background-color: $custom-range-track-bg;
@include border-radius($custom-range-track-border-radius);
&::-ms-fill-upper {
margin-right: 15px; // arbitrary?
background-color: $custom-range-track-bg;
@include border-radius($custom-range-track-border-radius);
&:disabled {
&::-webkit-slider-thumb {
background-color: $custom-range-thumb-disabled-bg;
&::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
cursor: default;
&::-moz-range-thumb {
background-color: $custom-range-thumb-disabled-bg;
&::-moz-range-track {
cursor: default;
&::-ms-thumb {
background-color: $custom-range-thumb-disabled-bg;
.custom-select {
@include transition($custom-forms-transition);

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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
// The dropdown wrapper (`<div>`)
.dropleft {
position: relative;
.dropdown-toggle {
white-space: nowrap;
// Generate the caret automatically
@include caret;
// The dropdown menu
.dropdown-menu {
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
z-index: $zindex-dropdown;
display: none; // none by default, but block on "open" of the menu
float: left;
min-width: $dropdown-min-width;
padding: $dropdown-padding-y 0;
margin: $dropdown-spacer 0 0; // override default ul
@include font-size($dropdown-font-size);
color: $dropdown-color;
text-align: left; // Ensures proper alignment if parent has it changed (e.g., modal footer)
list-style: none;
background-color: $dropdown-bg;
background-clip: padding-box;
border: $dropdown-border-width solid $dropdown-border-color;
@include border-radius($dropdown-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($dropdown-box-shadow);
@each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
@include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
$infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
.dropdown-menu#{$infix}-left {
right: auto;
left: 0;
.dropdown-menu#{$infix}-right {
right: 0;
left: auto;
// Allow for dropdowns to go bottom up (aka, dropup-menu)
// Just add .dropup after the standard .dropdown class and you're set.
.dropup {
.dropdown-menu {
top: auto;
bottom: 100%;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: $dropdown-spacer;
.dropdown-toggle {
@include caret(up);
.dropright {
.dropdown-menu {
top: 0;
right: auto;
left: 100%;
margin-top: 0;
margin-left: $dropdown-spacer;
.dropdown-toggle {
@include caret(right);
&::after {
vertical-align: 0;
.dropleft {
.dropdown-menu {
top: 0;
right: 100%;
left: auto;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: $dropdown-spacer;
.dropdown-toggle {
@include caret(left);
&::before {
vertical-align: 0;
// When enabled Popper.js, reset basic dropdown position
// stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
.dropdown-menu {
&[x-placement^="left"] {
right: auto;
bottom: auto;
// Dividers (basically an `<hr>`) within the dropdown
.dropdown-divider {
@include nav-divider($dropdown-divider-bg, $dropdown-divider-margin-y);
// Links, buttons, and more within the dropdown menu
// `<button>`-specific styles are denoted with `// For <button>s`
.dropdown-item {
display: block;
width: 100%; // For `<button>`s
padding: $dropdown-item-padding-y $dropdown-item-padding-x;
clear: both;
font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
color: $dropdown-link-color;
text-align: inherit; // For `<button>`s
white-space: nowrap; // prevent links from randomly breaking onto new lines
background-color: transparent; // For `<button>`s
border: 0; // For `<button>`s
// Prevent dropdown overflow if there's no padding
// See
@if $dropdown-padding-y == 0 {
&:first-child {
@include border-top-radius($dropdown-inner-border-radius);
&:last-child {
@include border-bottom-radius($dropdown-inner-border-radius);
@include hover-focus {
color: $dropdown-link-hover-color;
text-decoration: none;
@include gradient-bg($dropdown-link-hover-bg);
&:active {
color: $dropdown-link-active-color;
text-decoration: none;
@include gradient-bg($dropdown-link-active-bg);
&:disabled {
color: $dropdown-link-disabled-color;
pointer-events: none;
background-color: transparent;
// Remove CSS gradients if they're enabled
@if $enable-gradients {
background-image: none;
} {
display: block;
// Dropdown section headers
.dropdown-header {
display: block;
padding: $dropdown-padding-y $dropdown-item-padding-x;
margin-bottom: 0; // for use with heading elements
@include font-size($font-size-sm);
color: $dropdown-header-color;
white-space: nowrap; // as with > li > a
// Dropdown text
.dropdown-item-text {
display: block;
padding: $dropdown-item-padding-y $dropdown-item-padding-x;
color: $dropdown-link-color;

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@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
// stylelint-disable selector-no-qualifying-type
// Textual form controls
.form-control {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: $input-height;
padding: $input-padding-y $input-padding-x;
font-family: $input-font-family;
@include font-size($input-font-size);
font-weight: $input-font-weight;
line-height: $input-line-height;
color: $input-color;
background-color: $input-bg;
background-clip: padding-box;
border: $input-border-width solid $input-border-color;
// Note: This has no effect on <select>s in some browsers, due to the limited stylability of `<select>`s in CSS.
@include border-radius($input-border-radius, 0);
@include box-shadow($input-box-shadow);
@include transition($input-transition);
// Unstyle the caret on `<select>`s in IE10+.
&::-ms-expand {
background-color: transparent;
border: 0;
// Customize the `:focus` state to imitate native WebKit styles.
@include form-control-focus();
// Placeholder
&::placeholder {
color: $input-placeholder-color;
// Override Firefox's unusual default opacity; see
opacity: 1;
// Disabled and read-only inputs
// HTML5 says that controls under a fieldset > legend:first-child won't be
// disabled if the fieldset is disabled. Due to implementation difficulty, we
// don't honor that edge case; we style them as disabled anyway.
&[readonly] {
background-color: $input-disabled-bg;
// iOS fix for unreadable disabled content; see
opacity: 1;
select.form-control {
&:focus::-ms-value {
// Suppress the nested default white text on blue background highlight given to
// the selected option text when the (still closed) <select> receives focus
// in IE and (under certain conditions) Edge, as it looks bad and cannot be made to
// match the appearance of the native widget.
// See
color: $input-color;
background-color: $input-bg;
// Make file inputs better match text inputs by forcing them to new lines.
.form-control-range {
display: block;
width: 100%;
// Labels
// For use with horizontal and inline forms, when you need the label (or legend)
// text to align with the form controls.
.col-form-label {
padding-top: calc(#{$input-padding-y} + #{$input-border-width});
padding-bottom: calc(#{$input-padding-y} + #{$input-border-width});
margin-bottom: 0; // Override the `<label>/<legend>` default
@include font-size(inherit); // Override the `<legend>` default
line-height: $input-line-height;
.col-form-label-lg {
padding-top: calc(#{$input-padding-y-lg} + #{$input-border-width});
padding-bottom: calc(#{$input-padding-y-lg} + #{$input-border-width});
@include font-size($input-font-size-lg);
line-height: $input-line-height-lg;
.col-form-label-sm {
padding-top: calc(#{$input-padding-y-sm} + #{$input-border-width});
padding-bottom: calc(#{$input-padding-y-sm} + #{$input-border-width});
@include font-size($input-font-size-sm);
line-height: $input-line-height-sm;
// Readonly controls as plain text
// Apply class to a readonly input to make it appear like regular plain
// text (without any border, background color, focus indicator)
.form-control-plaintext {
display: block;
width: 100%;
padding-top: $input-padding-y;
padding-bottom: $input-padding-y;
margin-bottom: 0; // match inputs if this class comes on inputs with default margins
line-height: $input-line-height;
color: $input-plaintext-color;
background-color: transparent;
border: solid transparent;
border-width: $input-border-width 0;
&.form-control-lg {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
// Form control sizing
// Build on `.form-control` with modifier classes to decrease or increase the
// height and font-size of form controls.
// Repeated in `_input_group.scss` to avoid Sass extend issues.
.form-control-sm {
height: $input-height-sm;
padding: $input-padding-y-sm $input-padding-x-sm;
@include font-size($input-font-size-sm);
line-height: $input-line-height-sm;
@include border-radius($input-border-radius-sm);
.form-control-lg {
height: $input-height-lg;
padding: $input-padding-y-lg $input-padding-x-lg;
@include font-size($input-font-size-lg);
line-height: $input-line-height-lg;
@include border-radius($input-border-radius-lg);
// stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
select.form-control {
&[multiple] {
height: auto;
textarea.form-control {
height: auto;
// Form groups
// Designed to help with the organization and spacing of vertical forms. For
// horizontal forms, use the predefined grid classes.
.form-group {
margin-bottom: $form-group-margin-bottom;
.form-text {
display: block;
margin-top: $form-text-margin-top;
// Form grid
// Special replacement for our grid system's `.row` for tighter form layouts.
.form-row {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
margin-right: -$form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
margin-left: -$form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
> .col,
> [class*="col-"] {
padding-right: $form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
padding-left: $form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
// Checkboxes and radios
// Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging controls.
.form-check {
position: relative;
display: block;
padding-left: $form-check-input-gutter;
.form-check-input {
position: absolute;
margin-top: $form-check-input-margin-y;
margin-left: -$form-check-input-gutter;
&:disabled ~ .form-check-label {
color: $text-muted;
.form-check-label {
margin-bottom: 0; // Override default `<label>` bottom margin
.form-check-inline {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
padding-left: 0; // Override base .form-check
margin-right: $form-check-inline-margin-x;
// Undo .form-check-input defaults and add some `margin-right`.
.form-check-input {
position: static;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: $form-check-inline-input-margin-x;
margin-left: 0;
// Form validation
// Provide feedback to users when form field values are valid or invalid. Works
// primarily for client-side validation via scoped `:invalid` and `:valid`
// pseudo-classes but also includes `.is-invalid` and `.is-valid` classes for
// server side validation.
@each $state, $data in $form-validation-states {
@include form-validation-state($state, map-get($data, color), map-get($data, icon));
// Inline forms
// Make forms appear inline(-block) by adding the `.form-inline` class. Inline
// forms begin stacked on extra small (mobile) devices and then go inline when
// viewports reach <768px.
// Requires wrapping inputs and labels with `.form-group` for proper display of
// default HTML form controls and our custom form controls (e.g., input groups).
.form-inline {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
align-items: center; // Prevent shorter elements from growing to same height as others (e.g., small buttons growing to normal sized button height)
// Because we use flex, the initial sizing of checkboxes is collapsed and
// doesn't occupy the full-width (which is what we want for xs grid tier),
// so we force that here.
.form-check {
width: 100%;
// Kick in the inline
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
label {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-bottom: 0;
// Inline-block all the things for "inline"
.form-group {
display: flex;
flex: 0 0 auto;
flex-flow: row wrap;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 0;
// Allow folks to *not* use `.form-group`
.form-control {
display: inline-block;
width: auto; // Prevent labels from stacking above inputs in `.form-group`
vertical-align: middle;
// Make static controls behave like regular ones
.form-control-plaintext {
display: inline-block;
.custom-select {
width: auto;
// Remove default margin on radios/checkboxes that were used for stacking, and
// then undo the floating of radios and checkboxes to match.
.form-check {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: auto;
padding-left: 0;
.form-check-input {
position: relative;
flex-shrink: 0;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: $form-check-input-margin-x;
margin-left: 0;
.custom-control {
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.custom-control-label {
margin-bottom: 0;

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// Bootstrap functions
// Utility mixins and functions for evaluating source code across our variables, maps, and mixins.
// Ascending
// Used to evaluate Sass maps like our grid breakpoints.
@mixin _assert-ascending($map, $map-name) {
$prev-key: null;
$prev-num: null;
@each $key, $num in $map {
@if $prev-num == null or unit($num) == "%" {
// Do nothing
} @else if not comparable($prev-num, $num) {
@warn "Potentially invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} whose unit makes it incomparable to #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
} @else if $prev-num >= $num {
@warn "Invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} which isn't greater than #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
$prev-key: $key;
$prev-num: $num;
// Starts at zero
// Used to ensure the min-width of the lowest breakpoint starts at 0.
@mixin _assert-starts-at-zero($map, $map-name: "$grid-breakpoints") {
$values: map-values($map);
$first-value: nth($values, 1);
@if $first-value != 0 {
@warn "First breakpoint in #{$map-name} must start at 0, but starts at #{$first-value}.";
// Replace `$search` with `$replace` in `$string`
// Used on our SVG icon backgrounds for custom forms.
// @author Hugo Giraudel
// @param {String} $string - Initial string
// @param {String} $search - Substring to replace
// @param {String} $replace ('') - New value
// @return {String} - Updated string
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
@if $index {
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
@return $string;
// Color contrast
@function color-yiq($color, $dark: $yiq-text-dark, $light: $yiq-text-light) {
$r: red($color);
$g: green($color);
$b: blue($color);
$yiq: (($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) / 1000;
@if ($yiq >= $yiq-contrasted-threshold) {
@return $dark;
} @else {
@return $light;
// Retrieve color Sass maps
@function color($key: "blue") {
@return map-get($colors, $key);
@function theme-color($key: "primary") {
@return map-get($theme-colors, $key);
@function gray($key: "100") {
@return map-get($grays, $key);
// Request a theme color level
@function theme-color-level($color-name: "primary", $level: 0) {
$color: theme-color($color-name);
$color-base: if($level > 0, $black, $white);
$level: abs($level);
@return mix($color-base, $color, $level * $theme-color-interval);

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// Container widths
// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries.
@if $enable-grid-classes {
.container {
@include make-container();
@include make-container-max-widths();
// Fluid container
// Utilizes the mixin meant for fixed width containers, but with 100% width for
// fluid, full width layouts.
@if $enable-grid-classes {
.container-fluid {
@include make-container();
// Row
// Rows contain and clear the floats of your columns.
@if $enable-grid-classes {
.row {
@include make-row();
// Remove the negative margin from default .row, then the horizontal padding
// from all immediate children columns (to prevent runaway style inheritance).
.no-gutters {
margin-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
> .col,
> [class*="col-"] {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
// Columns
// Common styles for small and large grid columns
@if $enable-grid-classes {
@include make-grid-columns();

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// Responsive images (ensure images don't scale beyond their parents)
// This is purposefully opt-in via an explicit class rather than being the default for all `<img>`s.
// We previously tried the "images are responsive by default" approach in Bootstrap v2,
// and abandoned it in Bootstrap v3 because it breaks lots of third-party widgets (including Google Maps)
// which weren't expecting the images within themselves to be involuntarily resized.
// See also
.img-fluid {
@include img-fluid;
// Image thumbnails
.img-thumbnail {
padding: $thumbnail-padding;
background-color: $thumbnail-bg;
border: $thumbnail-border-width solid $thumbnail-border-color;
@include border-radius($thumbnail-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($thumbnail-box-shadow);
// Keep them at most 100% wide
@include img-fluid;
// Figures
.figure {
// Ensures the caption's text aligns with the image.
display: inline-block;
.figure-img {
margin-bottom: $spacer / 2;
line-height: 1;
.figure-caption {
@include font-size($figure-caption-font-size);
color: $figure-caption-color;

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// stylelint-disable selector-no-qualifying-type
// Base styles
.input-group {
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap; // For form validation feedback
align-items: stretch;
width: 100%;
> .form-control,
> .form-control-plaintext,
> .custom-select,
> .custom-file {
position: relative; // For focus state's z-index
flex: 1 1 auto;
// Add width 1% and flex-basis auto to ensure that button will not wrap out
// the column. Applies to IE Edge+ and Firefox. Chrome does not require this.
width: 1%;
margin-bottom: 0;
+ .form-control,
+ .custom-select,
+ .custom-file {
margin-left: -$input-border-width;
// Bring the "active" form control to the top of surrounding elements
> .form-control:focus,
> .custom-select:focus,
> .custom-file .custom-file-input:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
z-index: 3;
// Bring the custom file input above the label
> .custom-file .custom-file-input:focus {
z-index: 4;
> .form-control,
> .custom-select {
&:not(:last-child) { @include border-right-radius(0); }
&:not(:first-child) { @include border-left-radius(0); }
// Custom file inputs have more complex markup, thus requiring different
// border-radius overrides.
> .custom-file {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
&:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label,
&:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label::after { @include border-right-radius(0); }
&:not(:first-child) .custom-file-label { @include border-left-radius(0); }
// Prepend and append
// While it requires one extra layer of HTML for each, dedicated prepend and
// append elements allow us to 1) be less clever, 2) simplify our selectors, and
// 3) support HTML5 form validation.
.input-group-append {
display: flex;
// Ensure buttons are always above inputs for more visually pleasing borders.
// This isn't needed for `.input-group-text` since it shares the same border-color
// as our inputs.
.btn {
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
&:focus {
z-index: 3;
.btn + .btn,
.btn + .input-group-text,
.input-group-text + .input-group-text,
.input-group-text + .btn {
margin-left: -$input-border-width;
.input-group-prepend { margin-right: -$input-border-width; }
.input-group-append { margin-left: -$input-border-width; }
// Textual addons
// Serves as a catch-all element for any text or radio/checkbox input you wish
// to prepend or append to an input.
.input-group-text {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: $input-padding-y $input-padding-x;
margin-bottom: 0; // Allow use of <label> elements by overriding our default margin-bottom
@include font-size($input-font-size); // Match inputs
font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
line-height: $input-line-height;
color: $input-group-addon-color;
text-align: center;
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: $input-group-addon-bg;
border: $input-border-width solid $input-group-addon-border-color;
@include border-radius($input-border-radius);
// Nuke default margins from checkboxes and radios to vertically center within.
input[type="checkbox"] {
margin-top: 0;
// Sizing
// Remix the default form control sizing classes into new ones for easier
// manipulation.
.input-group-lg > .form-control:not(textarea),
.input-group-lg > .custom-select {
height: $input-height-lg;
.input-group-lg > .form-control,
.input-group-lg > .custom-select,
.input-group-lg > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
.input-group-lg > .input-group-append > .input-group-text,
.input-group-lg > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
.input-group-lg > .input-group-append > .btn {
padding: $input-padding-y-lg $input-padding-x-lg;
@include font-size($input-font-size-lg);
line-height: $input-line-height-lg;
@include border-radius($input-border-radius-lg);
.input-group-sm > .form-control:not(textarea),
.input-group-sm > .custom-select {
height: $input-height-sm;
.input-group-sm > .form-control,
.input-group-sm > .custom-select,
.input-group-sm > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
.input-group-sm > .input-group-append > .input-group-text,
.input-group-sm > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
.input-group-sm > .input-group-append > .btn {
padding: $input-padding-y-sm $input-padding-x-sm;
@include font-size($input-font-size-sm);
line-height: $input-line-height-sm;
@include border-radius($input-border-radius-sm);
.input-group-lg > .custom-select,
.input-group-sm > .custom-select {
padding-right: $custom-select-padding-x + $custom-select-indicator-padding;
// Prepend and append rounded corners
// These rulesets must come after the sizing ones to properly override sm and lg
// border-radius values when extending. They're more specific than we'd like
// with the `.input-group >` part, but without it, we cannot override the sizing.
.input-group > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
.input-group > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
.input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
.input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .input-group-text:not(:last-child) {
@include border-right-radius(0);
.input-group > .input-group-append > .btn,
.input-group > .input-group-append > .input-group-text,
.input-group > .input-group-prepend:not(:first-child) > .btn,
.input-group > .input-group-prepend:not(:first-child) > .input-group-text,
.input-group > .input-group-prepend:first-child > .btn:not(:first-child),
.input-group > .input-group-prepend:first-child > .input-group-text:not(:first-child) {
@include border-left-radius(0);

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.jumbotron {
padding: $jumbotron-padding ($jumbotron-padding / 2);
margin-bottom: $jumbotron-padding;
color: $jumbotron-color;
background-color: $jumbotron-bg;
@include border-radius($border-radius-lg);
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
padding: ($jumbotron-padding * 2) $jumbotron-padding;
.jumbotron-fluid {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
@include border-radius(0);

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// Base class
// Easily usable on <ul>, <ol>, or <div>.
.list-group {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
// No need to set list-style: none; since .list-group-item is block level
padding-left: 0; // reset padding because ul and ol
margin-bottom: 0;
// Interactive list items
// Use anchor or button elements instead of `li`s or `div`s to create interactive
// list items. Includes an extra `.active` modifier class for selected items.
.list-group-item-action {
width: 100%; // For `<button>`s (anchors become 100% by default though)
color: $list-group-action-color;
text-align: inherit; // For `<button>`s (anchors inherit)
// Hover state
@include hover-focus {
z-index: 1; // Place hover/focus items above their siblings for proper border styling
color: $list-group-action-hover-color;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: $list-group-hover-bg;
&:active {
color: $list-group-action-active-color;
background-color: $list-group-action-active-bg;
// Individual list items
// Use on `li`s or `div`s within the `.list-group` parent.
.list-group-item {
position: relative;
display: block;
padding: $list-group-item-padding-y $list-group-item-padding-x;
// Place the border on the list items and negative margin up for better styling
margin-bottom: -$list-group-border-width;
color: $list-group-color;
background-color: $list-group-bg;
border: $list-group-border-width solid $list-group-border-color;
&:first-child {
@include border-top-radius($list-group-border-radius);
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
@include border-bottom-radius($list-group-border-radius);
&:disabled {
color: $list-group-disabled-color;
pointer-events: none;
background-color: $list-group-disabled-bg;
// Include both here for `<a>`s and `<button>`s
&.active {
z-index: 2; // Place active items above their siblings for proper border styling
color: $list-group-active-color;
background-color: $list-group-active-bg;
border-color: $list-group-active-border-color;
// Horizontal
// Change the layout of list group items from vertical (default) to horizontal.
@each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
@include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
$infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
.list-group-horizontal#{$infix} {
flex-direction: row;
.list-group-item {
margin-right: -$list-group-border-width;
margin-bottom: 0;
&:first-child {
@include border-left-radius($list-group-border-radius);
@include border-top-right-radius(0);
&:last-child {
margin-right: 0;
@include border-right-radius($list-group-border-radius);
@include border-bottom-left-radius(0);
// Flush list items
// Remove borders and border-radius to keep list group items edge-to-edge. Most
// useful within other components (e.g., cards).
.list-group-flush {
.list-group-item {
border-right: 0;
border-left: 0;
@include border-radius(0);
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: -$list-group-border-width;
&:first-child {
.list-group-item:first-child {
border-top: 0;
&:last-child {
.list-group-item:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: 0;
// Contextual variants
// Add modifier classes to change text and background color on individual items.
// Organizationally, this must come after the `:hover` states.
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
@include list-group-item-variant($color, theme-color-level($color, -9), theme-color-level($color, 6));

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.media {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
.media-body {
flex: 1;

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// Toggles
// Used in conjunction with global variables to enable certain theme features.
// Vendor
@import "vendor/rfs";
// Deprecate
@import "mixins/deprecate";
// Utilities
@import "mixins/breakpoints";
@import "mixins/hover";
@import "mixins/image";
@import "mixins/badge";
@import "mixins/resize";
@import "mixins/screen-reader";
@import "mixins/size";
@import "mixins/reset-text";
@import "mixins/text-emphasis";
@import "mixins/text-hide";
@import "mixins/text-truncate";
@import "mixins/visibility";
// // Components
@import "mixins/alert";
@import "mixins/buttons";
@import "mixins/caret";
@import "mixins/pagination";
@import "mixins/lists";
@import "mixins/list-group";
@import "mixins/nav-divider";
@import "mixins/forms";
@import "mixins/table-row";
// // Skins
@import "mixins/background-variant";
@import "mixins/border-radius";
@import "mixins/box-shadow";
@import "mixins/gradients";
@import "mixins/transition";
// // Layout
@import "mixins/clearfix";
@import "mixins/grid-framework";
@import "mixins/grid";
@import "mixins/float";

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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// .modal-open - body class for killing the scroll
// .modal - container to scroll within
// .modal-dialog - positioning shell for the actual modal
// .modal-content - actual modal w/ bg and corners and stuff
.modal-open {
// Kill the scroll on the body
overflow: hidden;
.modal {
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
// Container that the modal scrolls within
.modal {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: $zindex-modal;
display: none;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
// Prevent Chrome on Windows from adding a focus outline. For details, see
outline: 0;
// We deliberately don't use `-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;` due to a
// gnarly iOS Safari bug:
// See also
// Shell div to position the modal with bottom padding
.modal-dialog {
position: relative;
width: auto;
margin: $modal-dialog-margin;
// allow clicks to pass through for custom click handling to close modal
pointer-events: none;
// When fading in the modal, animate it to slide down
.modal.fade & {
@include transition($modal-transition);
transform: $modal-fade-transform;
} & {
transform: $modal-show-transform;
.modal-dialog-scrollable {
display: flex; // IE10/11
max-height: calc(100% - #{$modal-dialog-margin * 2});
.modal-content {
max-height: calc(100vh - #{$modal-dialog-margin * 2}); // IE10/11
overflow: hidden;
.modal-footer {
flex-shrink: 0;
.modal-body {
overflow-y: auto;
.modal-dialog-centered {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
min-height: calc(100% - #{$modal-dialog-margin * 2});
// Ensure `modal-dialog-centered` extends the full height of the view (IE10/11)
&::before {
display: block; // IE10
height: calc(100vh - #{$modal-dialog-margin * 2});
content: "";
// Ensure `.modal-body` shows scrollbar (IE10/11)
&.modal-dialog-scrollable {
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
.modal-content {
max-height: none;
&::before {
content: none;
// Actual modal
.modal-content {
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%; // Ensure `.modal-content` extends the full width of the parent `.modal-dialog`
// counteract the pointer-events: none; in the .modal-dialog
color: $modal-content-color;
pointer-events: auto;
background-color: $modal-content-bg;
background-clip: padding-box;
border: $modal-content-border-width solid $modal-content-border-color;
@include border-radius($modal-content-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($modal-content-box-shadow-xs);
// Remove focus outline from opened modal
outline: 0;
// Modal background
.modal-backdrop {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: $zindex-modal-backdrop;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
background-color: $modal-backdrop-bg;
// Fade for backdrop
&.fade { opacity: 0; }
&.show { opacity: $modal-backdrop-opacity; }
// Modal header
// Top section of the modal w/ title and dismiss
.modal-header {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start; // so the close btn always stays on the upper right corner
justify-content: space-between; // Put modal header elements (title and dismiss) on opposite ends
padding: $modal-header-padding;
border-bottom: $modal-header-border-width solid $modal-header-border-color;
@include border-top-radius($modal-content-border-radius);
.close {
padding: $modal-header-padding;
// auto on the left force icon to the right even when there is no .modal-title
margin: (-$modal-header-padding-y) (-$modal-header-padding-x) (-$modal-header-padding-y) auto;
// Title text within header
.modal-title {
margin-bottom: 0;
line-height: $modal-title-line-height;
// Modal body
// Where all modal content resides (sibling of .modal-header and .modal-footer)
.modal-body {
position: relative;
// Enable `flex-grow: 1` so that the body take up as much space as possible
// when should there be a fixed height on `.modal-dialog`.
flex: 1 1 auto;
padding: $modal-inner-padding;
// Footer (for actions)
.modal-footer {
display: flex;
align-items: center; // vertically center
justify-content: flex-end; // Right align buttons with flex property because text-align doesn't work on flex items
padding: $modal-inner-padding;
border-top: $modal-footer-border-width solid $modal-footer-border-color;
@include border-bottom-radius($modal-content-border-radius);
// Easily place margin between footer elements
> :not(:first-child) { margin-left: .25rem; }
> :not(:last-child) { margin-right: .25rem; }
// Measure scrollbar width for padding body during modal show/hide
.modal-scrollbar-measure {
position: absolute;
top: -9999px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
overflow: scroll;
// Scale up the modal
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
// Automatically set modal's width for larger viewports
.modal-dialog {
max-width: $modal-md;
margin: $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up auto;
.modal-dialog-scrollable {
max-height: calc(100% - #{$modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2});
.modal-content {
max-height: calc(100vh - #{$modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2});
.modal-dialog-centered {
min-height: calc(100% - #{$modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2});
&::before {
height: calc(100vh - #{$modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2});
.modal-content {
@include box-shadow($modal-content-box-shadow-sm-up);
.modal-sm { max-width: $modal-sm; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(lg) {
.modal-xl {
max-width: $modal-lg;
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) {
.modal-xl { max-width: $modal-xl; }

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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// Base class
// Kickstart any navigation component with a set of style resets. Works with
// `<nav>`s or `<ul>`s.
.nav {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding-left: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
list-style: none;
.nav-link {
display: block;
padding: $nav-link-padding-y $nav-link-padding-x;
@include hover-focus {
text-decoration: none;
// Disabled state lightens text
&.disabled {
color: $nav-link-disabled-color;
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;
// Tabs
.nav-tabs {
border-bottom: $nav-tabs-border-width solid $nav-tabs-border-color;
.nav-item {
margin-bottom: -$nav-tabs-border-width;
.nav-link {
border: $nav-tabs-border-width solid transparent;
@include border-top-radius($nav-tabs-border-radius);
@include hover-focus {
border-color: $nav-tabs-link-hover-border-color;
&.disabled {
color: $nav-link-disabled-color;
background-color: transparent;
border-color: transparent;
}, .nav-link {
color: $nav-tabs-link-active-color;
background-color: $nav-tabs-link-active-bg;
border-color: $nav-tabs-link-active-border-color;
.dropdown-menu {
// Make dropdown border overlap tab border
margin-top: -$nav-tabs-border-width;
// Remove the top rounded corners here since there is a hard edge above the menu
@include border-top-radius(0);
// Pills
.nav-pills {
.nav-link {
@include border-radius($nav-pills-border-radius);
.show > .nav-link {
color: $nav-pills-link-active-color;
background-color: $nav-pills-link-active-bg;
// Justified variants
.nav-fill {
.nav-item {
flex: 1 1 auto;
text-align: center;
.nav-justified {
.nav-item {
flex-basis: 0;
flex-grow: 1;
text-align: center;
// Tabbable tabs
// Hide tabbable panes to start, show them when `.active`
.tab-content {
> .tab-pane {
display: none;
> .active {
display: block;

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@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
// Contents
// Navbar
// Navbar brand
// Navbar nav
// Navbar text
// Navbar divider
// Responsive navbar
// Navbar position
// Navbar themes
// Navbar
// Provide a static navbar from which we expand to create full-width, fixed, and
// other navbar variations.
.navbar {
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap; // allow us to do the line break for collapsing content
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between; // space out brand from logo
padding: $navbar-padding-y $navbar-padding-x;
// Because flex properties aren't inherited, we need to redeclare these first
// few properties so that content nested within behave properly.
> .container,
> .container-fluid {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
// Navbar brand
// Used for brand, project, or site names.
.navbar-brand {
display: inline-block;
padding-top: $navbar-brand-padding-y;
padding-bottom: $navbar-brand-padding-y;
margin-right: $navbar-padding-x;
@include font-size($navbar-brand-font-size);
line-height: inherit;
white-space: nowrap;
@include hover-focus {
text-decoration: none;
// Navbar nav
// Custom navbar navigation (doesn't require `.nav`, but does make use of `.nav-link`).
.navbar-nav {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column; // cannot use `inherit` to get the `.navbar`s value
padding-left: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
list-style: none;
.nav-link {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
.dropdown-menu {
position: static;
float: none;
// Navbar text
.navbar-text {
display: inline-block;
padding-top: $nav-link-padding-y;
padding-bottom: $nav-link-padding-y;
// Responsive navbar
// Custom styles for responsive collapsing and toggling of navbar contents.
// Powered by the collapse Bootstrap JavaScript plugin.
// When collapsed, prevent the toggleable navbar contents from appearing in
// the default flexbox row orientation. Requires the use of `flex-wrap: wrap`
// on the `.navbar` parent.
.navbar-collapse {
flex-basis: 100%;
flex-grow: 1;
// For always expanded or extra full navbars, ensure content aligns itself
// properly vertically. Can be easily overridden with flex utilities.
align-items: center;
// Button for toggling the navbar when in its collapsed state
.navbar-toggler {
padding: $navbar-toggler-padding-y $navbar-toggler-padding-x;
@include font-size($navbar-toggler-font-size);
line-height: 1;
background-color: transparent; // remove default button style
border: $border-width solid transparent; // remove default button style
@include border-radius($navbar-toggler-border-radius);
@include hover-focus {
text-decoration: none;
// Keep as a separate element so folks can easily override it with another icon
// or image file as needed.
.navbar-toggler-icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 1.5em;
height: 1.5em;
vertical-align: middle;
content: "";
background: no-repeat center center;
background-size: 100% 100%;
// Generate series of `.navbar-expand-*` responsive classes for configuring
// where your navbar collapses.
.navbar-expand {
@each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
$next: breakpoint-next($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
$infix: breakpoint-infix($next, $grid-breakpoints);
&#{$infix} {
@include media-breakpoint-down($breakpoint) {
> .container,
> .container-fluid {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
@include media-breakpoint-up($next) {
flex-flow: row nowrap;
justify-content: flex-start;
.navbar-nav {
flex-direction: row;
.dropdown-menu {
position: absolute;
.nav-link {
padding-right: $navbar-nav-link-padding-x;
padding-left: $navbar-nav-link-padding-x;
// For nesting containers, have to redeclare for alignment purposes
> .container,
> .container-fluid {
flex-wrap: nowrap;
.navbar-collapse {
display: flex !important; // stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important
// Changes flex-bases to auto because of an IE10 bug
flex-basis: auto;
.navbar-toggler {
display: none;
// Navbar themes
// Styles for switching between navbars with light or dark background.
// Dark links against a light background
.navbar-light {
.navbar-brand {
color: $navbar-light-brand-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-light-brand-hover-color;
.navbar-nav {
.nav-link {
color: $navbar-light-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-light-hover-color;
&.disabled {
color: $navbar-light-disabled-color;
.show > .nav-link,
.active > .nav-link,, {
color: $navbar-light-active-color;
.navbar-toggler {
color: $navbar-light-color;
border-color: $navbar-light-toggler-border-color;
.navbar-toggler-icon {
background-image: $navbar-light-toggler-icon-bg;
.navbar-text {
color: $navbar-light-color;
a {
color: $navbar-light-active-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-light-active-color;
// White links against a dark background
.navbar-dark {
.navbar-brand {
color: $navbar-dark-brand-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-dark-brand-hover-color;
.navbar-nav {
.nav-link {
color: $navbar-dark-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-dark-hover-color;
&.disabled {
color: $navbar-dark-disabled-color;
.show > .nav-link,
.active > .nav-link,, {
color: $navbar-dark-active-color;
.navbar-toggler {
color: $navbar-dark-color;
border-color: $navbar-dark-toggler-border-color;
.navbar-toggler-icon {
background-image: $navbar-dark-toggler-icon-bg;
.navbar-text {
color: $navbar-dark-color;
a {
color: $navbar-dark-active-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-dark-active-color;

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
.pagination {
display: flex;
@include list-unstyled();
@include border-radius();
.page-link {
position: relative;
display: block;
padding: $pagination-padding-y $pagination-padding-x;
margin-left: -$pagination-border-width;
line-height: $pagination-line-height;
color: $pagination-color;
background-color: $pagination-bg;
border: $pagination-border-width solid $pagination-border-color;
&:hover {
z-index: 2;
color: $pagination-hover-color;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: $pagination-hover-bg;
border-color: $pagination-hover-border-color;
&:focus {
z-index: 2;
outline: $pagination-focus-outline;
box-shadow: $pagination-focus-box-shadow;
.page-item {
&:first-child {
.page-link {
margin-left: 0;
@include border-left-radius($border-radius);
&:last-child {
.page-link {
@include border-right-radius($border-radius);
&.active .page-link {
z-index: 1;
color: $pagination-active-color;
background-color: $pagination-active-bg;
border-color: $pagination-active-border-color;
&.disabled .page-link {
color: $pagination-disabled-color;
pointer-events: none;
// Opinionated: remove the "hand" cursor set previously for .page-link
cursor: auto;
background-color: $pagination-disabled-bg;
border-color: $pagination-disabled-border-color;
// Sizing
.pagination-lg {
@include pagination-size($pagination-padding-y-lg, $pagination-padding-x-lg, $font-size-lg, $line-height-lg, $border-radius-lg);
.pagination-sm {
@include pagination-size($pagination-padding-y-sm, $pagination-padding-x-sm, $font-size-sm, $line-height-sm, $border-radius-sm);

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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
.popover {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: $zindex-popover;
display: block;
max-width: $popover-max-width;
// Our parent element can be arbitrary since tooltips are by default inserted as a sibling of their target element.
// So reset our font and text properties to avoid inheriting weird values.
@include reset-text();
@include font-size($popover-font-size);
// Allow breaking very long words so they don't overflow the popover's bounds
word-wrap: break-word;
background-color: $popover-bg;
background-clip: padding-box;
border: $popover-border-width solid $popover-border-color;
@include border-radius($popover-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($popover-box-shadow);
.arrow {
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: $popover-arrow-width;
height: $popover-arrow-height;
margin: 0 $border-radius-lg;
&::after {
position: absolute;
display: block;
content: "";
border-color: transparent;
border-style: solid;
.bs-popover-top {
margin-bottom: $popover-arrow-height;
> .arrow {
bottom: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
&::before {
bottom: 0;
border-width: $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0;
border-top-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
&::after {
bottom: $popover-border-width;
border-width: $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0;
border-top-color: $popover-arrow-color;
.bs-popover-right {
margin-left: $popover-arrow-height;
> .arrow {
left: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
width: $popover-arrow-height;
height: $popover-arrow-width;
margin: $border-radius-lg 0; // make sure the arrow does not touch the popover's rounded corners
&::before {
left: 0;
border-width: ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0;
border-right-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
&::after {
left: $popover-border-width;
border-width: ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0;
border-right-color: $popover-arrow-color;
.bs-popover-bottom {
margin-top: $popover-arrow-height;
> .arrow {
top: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
&::before {
top: 0;
border-width: 0 ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2);
border-bottom-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
&::after {
top: $popover-border-width;
border-width: 0 ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2);
border-bottom-color: $popover-arrow-color;
// This will remove the popover-header's border just below the arrow
.popover-header::before {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 50%;
display: block;
width: $popover-arrow-width;
margin-left: -$popover-arrow-width / 2;
content: "";
border-bottom: $popover-border-width solid $popover-header-bg;
.bs-popover-left {
margin-right: $popover-arrow-height;
> .arrow {
right: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
width: $popover-arrow-height;
height: $popover-arrow-width;
margin: $border-radius-lg 0; // make sure the arrow does not touch the popover's rounded corners
&::before {
right: 0;
border-width: ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0 ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height;
border-left-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
&::after {
right: $popover-border-width;
border-width: ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0 ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height;
border-left-color: $popover-arrow-color;
.bs-popover-auto {
&[x-placement^="top"] {
@extend .bs-popover-top;
&[x-placement^="right"] {
@extend .bs-popover-right;
&[x-placement^="bottom"] {
@extend .bs-popover-bottom;
&[x-placement^="left"] {
@extend .bs-popover-left;
// Offset the popover to account for the popover arrow
.popover-header {
padding: $popover-header-padding-y $popover-header-padding-x;
margin-bottom: 0; // Reset the default from Reboot
@include font-size($font-size-base);
color: $popover-header-color;
background-color: $popover-header-bg;
border-bottom: $popover-border-width solid darken($popover-header-bg, 5%);
$offset-border-width: calc(#{$border-radius-lg} - #{$popover-border-width});
@include border-top-radius($offset-border-width);
&:empty {
display: none;
.popover-body {
padding: $popover-body-padding-y $popover-body-padding-x;
color: $popover-body-color;

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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important, selector-no-qualifying-type
// Source:
// ==========================================================================
// Print styles.
// Inlined to avoid the additional HTTP request:
// ==========================================================================
@if $enable-print-styles {
@media print {
*::after {
// Bootstrap specific; comment out `color` and `background`
//color: $black !important; // Black prints faster
text-shadow: none !important;
//background: transparent !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
a {
&:not(.btn) {
text-decoration: underline;
// Bootstrap specific; comment the following selector out
//a[href]::after {
// content: " (" attr(href) ")";
abbr[title]::after {
content: " (" attr(title) ")";
// Bootstrap specific; comment the following selector out
// Don't show links that are fragment identifiers,
// or use the `javascript:` pseudo protocol
//a[href^="javascript:"]::after {
// content: "";
pre {
white-space: pre-wrap !important;
blockquote {
border: $border-width solid $gray-500; // Bootstrap custom code; using `$border-width` instead of 1px
page-break-inside: avoid;
// Printing Tables:
thead {
display: table-header-group;
img {
page-break-inside: avoid;
h3 {
orphans: 3;
widows: 3;
h3 {
page-break-after: avoid;
// Bootstrap specific changes start
// Specify a size and min-width to make printing closer across browsers.
// We don't set margin here because it breaks `size` in Chrome. We also
// don't use `!important` on `size` as it breaks in Chrome.
@page {
size: $print-page-size;
body {
min-width: $print-body-min-width !important;
.container {
min-width: $print-body-min-width !important;
// Bootstrap components
.navbar {
display: none;
.badge {
border: $border-width solid $black;
.table {
border-collapse: collapse !important;
th {
background-color: $white !important;
.table-bordered {
td {
border: 1px solid $gray-300 !important;
.table-dark {
color: inherit;
thead th,
tbody + tbody {
border-color: $table-border-color;
.table .thead-dark th {
color: inherit;
border-color: $table-border-color;
// Bootstrap specific changes end

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Disable animation if transitions are disabled
@if $enable-transitions {
@keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
from { background-position: $progress-height 0; }
to { background-position: 0 0; }
.progress {
display: flex;
height: $progress-height;
overflow: hidden; // force rounded corners by cropping it
@include font-size($progress-font-size);
background-color: $progress-bg;
@include border-radius($progress-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($progress-box-shadow);
.progress-bar {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
color: $progress-bar-color;
text-align: center;
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: $progress-bar-bg;
@include transition($progress-bar-transition);
.progress-bar-striped {
@include gradient-striped();
background-size: $progress-height $progress-height;
@if $enable-transitions {
.progress-bar-animated {
animation: progress-bar-stripes $progress-bar-animation-timing;
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
animation: none;

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@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
// stylelint-disable at-rule-no-vendor-prefix, declaration-no-important, selector-no-qualifying-type, property-no-vendor-prefix
// Reboot
// Normalization of HTML elements, manually forked from Normalize.css to remove
// styles targeting irrelevant browsers while applying new styles.
// Normalize is licensed MIT.
// Document
// 1. Change from `box-sizing: content-box` so that `width` is not affected by `padding` or `border`.
// 2. Change the default font family in all browsers.
// 3. Correct the line height in all browsers.
// 4. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in IE on Windows Phone and in iOS.
// 5. Change the default tap highlight to be completely transparent in iOS.
*::after {
box-sizing: border-box; // 1
html {
font-family: sans-serif; // 2
line-height: 1.15; // 3
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 4
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba($black, 0); // 5
// Shim for "new" HTML5 structural elements to display correctly (IE10, older browsers)
// TODO: remove in v5
// stylelint-disable-next-line selector-list-comma-newline-after
article, aside, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, nav, section {
display: block;
// Body
// 1. Remove the margin in all browsers.
// 2. As a best practice, apply a default `background-color`.
// 3. Set an explicit initial text-align value so that we can later use
// the `inherit` value on things like `<th>` elements.
body {
margin: 0; // 1
font-family: $font-family-base;
@include font-size($font-size-base);
font-weight: $font-weight-base;
line-height: $line-height-base;
color: $body-color;
text-align: left; // 3
background-color: $body-bg; // 2
// Suppress the focus outline on elements that cannot be accessed via keyboard.
// This prevents an unwanted focus outline from appearing around elements that
// might still respond to pointer events.
// Credit:
[tabindex="-1"]:focus {
outline: 0 !important;
// Content grouping
// 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox.
// 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE.
hr {
box-sizing: content-box; // 1
height: 0; // 1
overflow: visible; // 2
// Typography
// Remove top margins from headings
// By default, `<h1>`-`<h6>` all receive top and bottom margins. We nuke the top
// margin for easier control within type scales as it avoids margin collapsing.
// stylelint-disable-next-line selector-list-comma-newline-after
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: $headings-margin-bottom;
// Reset margins on paragraphs
// Similarly, the top margin on `<p>`s get reset. However, we also reset the
// bottom margin to use `rem` units instead of `em`.
p {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;
// Abbreviations
// 1. Duplicate behavior to the data-* attribute for our tooltip plugin
// 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.
// 3. Add explicit cursor to indicate changed behavior.
// 4. Remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-.
// 5. Prevent the text-decoration to be skipped.
abbr[data-original-title] { // 1
text-decoration: underline; // 2
text-decoration: underline dotted; // 2
cursor: help; // 3
border-bottom: 0; // 4
text-decoration-skip-ink: none; // 5
address {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
font-style: normal;
line-height: inherit;
dl {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
ol ol,
ul ul,
ol ul,
ul ol {
margin-bottom: 0;
dt {
font-weight: $dt-font-weight;
dd {
margin-bottom: .5rem;
margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default
blockquote {
margin: 0 0 1rem;
strong {
font-weight: $font-weight-bolder; // Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari
small {
@include font-size(80%); // Add the correct font size in all browsers
// Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in
// all browsers.
sup {
position: relative;
@include font-size(75%);
line-height: 0;
vertical-align: baseline;
sub { bottom: -.25em; }
sup { top: -.5em; }
// Links
a {
color: $link-color;
text-decoration: $link-decoration;
background-color: transparent; // Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
@include hover {
color: $link-hover-color;
text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;
// And undo these styles for placeholder links/named anchors (without href)
// which have not been made explicitly keyboard-focusable (without tabindex).
// It would be more straightforward to just use a[href] in previous block, but that
// causes specificity issues in many other styles that are too complex to fix.
// See
a:not([href]):not([tabindex]) {
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
@include hover-focus {
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
&:focus {
outline: 0;
// Code
samp {
font-family: $font-family-monospace;
@include font-size(1em); // Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
pre {
// Remove browser default top margin
margin-top: 0;
// Reset browser default of `1em` to use `rem`s
margin-bottom: 1rem;
// Don't allow content to break outside
overflow: auto;
// Figures
figure {
// Apply a consistent margin strategy (matches our type styles).
margin: 0 0 1rem;
// Images and content
img {
vertical-align: middle;
border-style: none; // Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.
svg {
// Workaround for the SVG overflow bug in IE10/11 is still required.
// See
overflow: hidden;
vertical-align: middle;
// Tables
table {
border-collapse: collapse; // Prevent double borders
caption {
padding-top: $table-cell-padding;
padding-bottom: $table-cell-padding;
color: $table-caption-color;
text-align: left;
caption-side: bottom;
th {
// Matches default `<td>` alignment by inheriting from the `<body>`, or the
// closest parent with a set `text-align`.
text-align: inherit;
// Forms
label {
// Allow labels to use `margin` for spacing.
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: $label-margin-bottom;
// Remove the default `border-radius` that macOS Chrome adds.
// Details at
button {
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-radius: 0;
// Work around a Firefox/IE bug where the transparent `button` background
// results in a loss of the default `button` focus styles.
// Credit:
button:focus {
outline: 1px dotted;
outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
textarea {
margin: 0; // Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari
font-family: inherit;
@include font-size(inherit);
line-height: inherit;
input {
overflow: visible; // Show the overflow in Edge
select {
text-transform: none; // Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox
// Remove the inheritance of word-wrap in Safari.
// Details at
select {
word-wrap: normal;
// 1. Prevent a WebKit bug where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video`
// controls in Android 4.
// 2. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
[type="button"], // 1
[type="submit"] {
-webkit-appearance: button; // 2
// Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled button elements.
@if $enable-pointer-cursor-for-buttons {
[type="submit"] {
&:not(:disabled) {
cursor: pointer;
// Remove inner border and padding from Firefox, but don't restore the outline like Normalize.
[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner {
padding: 0;
border-style: none;
input[type="checkbox"] {
box-sizing: border-box; // 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10-
padding: 0; // 2. Remove the padding in IE 10-
input[type="month"] {
// Remove the default appearance of temporal inputs to avoid a Mobile Safari
// bug where setting a custom line-height prevents text from being vertically
// centered within the input.
// See
// and
-webkit-appearance: listbox;
textarea {
overflow: auto; // Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE.
// Textareas should really only resize vertically so they don't break their (horizontal) containers.
resize: vertical;
fieldset {
// Browsers set a default `min-width: min-content;` on fieldsets,
// unlike e.g. `<div>`s, which have `min-width: 0;` by default.
// So we reset that to ensure fieldsets behave more like a standard block element.
// See
// and
min-width: 0;
// Reset the default outline behavior of fieldsets so they don't affect page layout.
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border: 0;
// 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE.
// 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE.
legend {
display: block;
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%; // 1
padding: 0;
margin-bottom: .5rem;
@include font-size(1.5rem);
line-height: inherit;
color: inherit; // 2
white-space: normal; // 1
progress {
vertical-align: baseline; // Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
// Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome.
[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
height: auto;
[type="search"] {
// This overrides the extra rounded corners on search inputs in iOS so that our
// `.form-control` class can properly style them. Note that this cannot simply
// be added to `.form-control` as it's not specific enough. For details, see
outline-offset: -2px; // 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.
-webkit-appearance: none;
// Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
-webkit-appearance: none;
// 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
// 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.
::-webkit-file-upload-button {
font: inherit; // 2
-webkit-appearance: button; // 1
// Correct element displays
output {
display: inline-block;
summary {
display: list-item; // Add the correct display in all browsers
cursor: pointer;
template {
display: none; // Add the correct display in IE
// Always hide an element with the `hidden` HTML attribute (from PureCSS).
// Needed for proper display in IE 10-.
[hidden] {
display: none !important;

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
:root {
// Custom variable values only support SassScript inside `#{}`.
@each $color, $value in $colors {
--#{$color}: #{$value};
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
--#{$color}: #{$value};
@each $bp, $value in $grid-breakpoints {
--breakpoint-#{$bp}: #{$value};
// Use `inspect` for lists so that quoted items keep the quotes.
// See
--font-family-sans-serif: #{inspect($font-family-sans-serif)};
--font-family-monospace: #{inspect($font-family-monospace)};

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Rotating border
@keyframes spinner-border {
to { transform: rotate(360deg); }
.spinner-border {
display: inline-block;
width: $spinner-width;
height: $spinner-height;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
border: $spinner-border-width solid currentColor;
border-right-color: transparent;
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-radius: 50%;
animation: spinner-border .75s linear infinite;
.spinner-border-sm {
width: $spinner-width-sm;
height: $spinner-height-sm;
border-width: $spinner-border-width-sm;
// Growing circle
@keyframes spinner-grow {
0% {
transform: scale(0);
50% {
opacity: 1;
.spinner-grow {
display: inline-block;
width: $spinner-width;
height: $spinner-height;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
background-color: currentColor;
// stylelint-disable-next-line property-blacklist
border-radius: 50%;
opacity: 0;
animation: spinner-grow .75s linear infinite;
.spinner-grow-sm {
width: $spinner-width-sm;
height: $spinner-height-sm;

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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
// Basic Bootstrap table
.table {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: $spacer;
color: $table-color;
background-color: $table-bg; // Reset for nesting within parents with `background-color`.
td {
padding: $table-cell-padding;
vertical-align: top;
border-top: $table-border-width solid $table-border-color;
thead th {
vertical-align: bottom;
border-bottom: (2 * $table-border-width) solid $table-border-color;
tbody + tbody {
border-top: (2 * $table-border-width) solid $table-border-color;
// Condensed table w/ half padding
.table-sm {
td {
padding: $table-cell-padding-sm;
// Border versions
// Add or remove borders all around the table and between all the columns.
.table-bordered {
border: $table-border-width solid $table-border-color;
td {
border: $table-border-width solid $table-border-color;
thead {
td {
border-bottom-width: 2 * $table-border-width;
.table-borderless {
thead th,
tbody + tbody {
border: 0;
// Zebra-striping
// Default zebra-stripe styles (alternating gray and transparent backgrounds)
.table-striped {
tbody tr:nth-of-type(#{$table-striped-order}) {
background-color: $table-accent-bg;
// Hover effect
// Placed here since it has to come after the potential zebra striping
.table-hover {
tbody tr {
@include hover {
color: $table-hover-color;
background-color: $table-hover-bg;
// Table backgrounds
// Exact selectors below required to override `.table-striped` and prevent
// inheritance to nested tables.
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
@include table-row-variant($color, theme-color-level($color, $table-bg-level), theme-color-level($color, $table-border-level));
@include table-row-variant(active, $table-active-bg);
// Dark styles
// Same table markup, but inverted color scheme: dark background and light text.
// stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
.table {
.thead-dark {
th {
color: $table-dark-color;
background-color: $table-dark-bg;
border-color: $table-dark-border-color;
.thead-light {
th {
color: $table-head-color;
background-color: $table-head-bg;
border-color: $table-border-color;
.table-dark {
color: $table-dark-color;
background-color: $table-dark-bg;
thead th {
border-color: $table-dark-border-color;
&.table-bordered {
border: 0;
&.table-striped {
tbody tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
background-color: $table-dark-accent-bg;
&.table-hover {
tbody tr {
@include hover {
color: $table-dark-hover-color;
background-color: $table-dark-hover-bg;
// Responsive tables
// Generate series of `.table-responsive-*` classes for configuring the screen
// size of where your table will overflow.
.table-responsive {
@each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
$next: breakpoint-next($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
$infix: breakpoint-infix($next, $grid-breakpoints);
&#{$infix} {
@include media-breakpoint-down($breakpoint) {
display: block;
width: 100%;
overflow-x: auto;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
// Prevent double border on horizontal scroll due to use of `display: block;`
> .table-bordered {
border: 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
.toast {
max-width: $toast-max-width;
overflow: hidden; // cheap rounded corners on nested items
@include font-size($toast-font-size);
color: $toast-color;
background-color: $toast-background-color;
background-clip: padding-box;
border: $toast-border-width solid $toast-border-color;
box-shadow: $toast-box-shadow;
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
opacity: 0;
@include border-radius($toast-border-radius);
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-bottom: $toast-padding-x;
&.showing {
opacity: 1;
&.show {
display: block;
opacity: 1;
&.hide {
display: none;
.toast-header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: $toast-padding-y $toast-padding-x;
color: $toast-header-color;
background-color: $toast-header-background-color;
background-clip: padding-box;
border-bottom: $toast-border-width solid $toast-header-border-color;
.toast-body {
padding: $toast-padding-x; // apply to both vertical and horizontal

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
// Base class
.tooltip {
position: absolute;
z-index: $zindex-tooltip;
display: block;
margin: $tooltip-margin;
// Our parent element can be arbitrary since tooltips are by default inserted as a sibling of their target element.
// So reset our font and text properties to avoid inheriting weird values.
@include reset-text();
@include font-size($tooltip-font-size);
// Allow breaking very long words so they don't overflow the tooltip's bounds
word-wrap: break-word;
opacity: 0;
&.show { opacity: $tooltip-opacity; }
.arrow {
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: $tooltip-arrow-width;
height: $tooltip-arrow-height;
&::before {
position: absolute;
content: "";
border-color: transparent;
border-style: solid;
.bs-tooltip-top {
padding: $tooltip-arrow-height 0;
.arrow {
bottom: 0;
&::before {
top: 0;
border-width: $tooltip-arrow-height ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) 0;
border-top-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
.bs-tooltip-right {
padding: 0 $tooltip-arrow-height;
.arrow {
left: 0;
width: $tooltip-arrow-height;
height: $tooltip-arrow-width;
&::before {
right: 0;
border-width: ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) $tooltip-arrow-height ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) 0;
border-right-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
.bs-tooltip-bottom {
padding: $tooltip-arrow-height 0;
.arrow {
top: 0;
&::before {
bottom: 0;
border-width: 0 ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) $tooltip-arrow-height;
border-bottom-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
.bs-tooltip-left {
padding: 0 $tooltip-arrow-height;
.arrow {
right: 0;
width: $tooltip-arrow-height;
height: $tooltip-arrow-width;
&::before {
left: 0;
border-width: ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) 0 ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) $tooltip-arrow-height;
border-left-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
.bs-tooltip-auto {
&[x-placement^="top"] {
@extend .bs-tooltip-top;
&[x-placement^="right"] {
@extend .bs-tooltip-right;
&[x-placement^="bottom"] {
@extend .bs-tooltip-bottom;
&[x-placement^="left"] {
@extend .bs-tooltip-left;
// Wrapper for the tooltip content
.tooltip-inner {
max-width: $tooltip-max-width;
padding: $tooltip-padding-y $tooltip-padding-x;
color: $tooltip-color;
text-align: center;
background-color: $tooltip-bg;
@include border-radius($tooltip-border-radius);

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
.fade {
@include transition($transition-fade);
&:not(.show) {
opacity: 0;
.collapse {
&:not(.show) {
display: none;
.collapsing {
position: relative;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
@include transition($transition-collapse);

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important, selector-list-comma-newline-after
// Headings
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 {
margin-bottom: $headings-margin-bottom;
font-family: $headings-font-family;
font-weight: $headings-font-weight;
line-height: $headings-line-height;
color: $headings-color;
h1, .h1 { @include font-size($h1-font-size); }
h2, .h2 { @include font-size($h2-font-size); }
h3, .h3 { @include font-size($h3-font-size); }
h4, .h4 { @include font-size($h4-font-size); }
h5, .h5 { @include font-size($h5-font-size); }
h6, .h6 { @include font-size($h6-font-size); }
.lead {
@include font-size($lead-font-size);
font-weight: $lead-font-weight;
// Type display classes
.display-1 {
@include font-size($display1-size);
font-weight: $display1-weight;
line-height: $display-line-height;
.display-2 {
@include font-size($display2-size);
font-weight: $display2-weight;
line-height: $display-line-height;
.display-3 {
@include font-size($display3-size);
font-weight: $display3-weight;
line-height: $display-line-height;
.display-4 {
@include font-size($display4-size);
font-weight: $display4-weight;
line-height: $display-line-height;
// Horizontal rules
hr {
margin-top: $hr-margin-y;
margin-bottom: $hr-margin-y;
border: 0;
border-top: $hr-border-width solid $hr-border-color;
// Emphasis
.small {
@include font-size($small-font-size);
font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
.mark {
padding: $mark-padding;
background-color: $mark-bg;
// Lists
.list-unstyled {
@include list-unstyled;
// Inline turns list items into inline-block
.list-inline {
@include list-unstyled;
.list-inline-item {
display: inline-block;
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-right: $list-inline-padding;
// Misc
// Builds on `abbr`
.initialism {
@include font-size(90%);
text-transform: uppercase;
// Blockquotes
.blockquote {
margin-bottom: $spacer;
@include font-size($blockquote-font-size);
.blockquote-footer {
display: block;
@include font-size($blockquote-small-font-size);
color: $blockquote-small-color;
&::before {
content: "\2014\00A0"; // em dash, nbsp

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
@import "utilities/align";
@import "utilities/background";
@import "utilities/borders";
@import "utilities/clearfix";
@import "utilities/display";
@import "utilities/embed";
@import "utilities/flex";
@import "utilities/float";
@import "utilities/overflow";
@import "utilities/position";
@import "utilities/screenreaders";
@import "utilities/shadows";
@import "utilities/sizing";
@import "utilities/stretched-link";
@import "utilities/spacing";
@import "utilities/text";
@import "utilities/visibility";

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Bootstrap Grid v4.3.1 (
* Copyright 2011-2019 The Bootstrap Authors
* Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (
html {
box-sizing: border-box;
-ms-overflow-style: scrollbar;
*::after {
box-sizing: inherit;
@import "functions";
@import "variables";
@import "mixins/breakpoints";
@import "mixins/grid-framework";
@import "mixins/grid";
@import "grid";
@import "utilities/display";
@import "utilities/flex";
@import "utilities/spacing";

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More