
753 lines
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2021-08-07 20:45:13 +00:00
//Datum: 07.08.2021
//Made by: Chris Resident @
// -
// Create and controll a hord of npc at once.
// Read the readme at
list m_npcdata = [];
readNPCPathNC(string ncName)
string nc = osStringReplace(osGetNotecard(ncName), "\n", "");
integer npcslot = getNextFreeNPCSlot();
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + npcslot, NULL_KEY);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + npcslot + ".path", nc);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + npcslot + ".ncname", ncName);
integer getNextFreeNPCSlot()
integer currentNPCSlot = 0;
for (currentNPCSlot = 0; currentNPCSlot < llGetListLength(m_npcdata); currentNPCSlot++)
if(!checkDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot))
return currentNPCSlot;
return 0;
list fullInventoryItemList = osGetInventoryList();
integer fullInventoryItemListCount = llGetListLength(fullInventoryItemList);
string itemElementName = llList2String(fullInventoryItemList, fullInventoryItemListCount);
if(osStringEndsWith(llToLower(itemElementName), ".path", 1))
list npcKeys = [];
integer currentNPCSlot = 0;
for (currentNPCSlot = 0; currentNPCSlot < llGetListLength(m_npcdata); currentNPCSlot++)
key currentNPCKey = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot);
npcKeys += [currentNPCKey];
osSetPrivateDataValue("tmpNPCList." + llGetKey(), llList2CSV(npcKeys));
list npcdata = llCSV2List(osGetPrivateDataValue("tmpNPCList." + llGetKey()));
integer count = llGetListLength(npcdata);
while(count--)osNpcRemove(llList2Key(npcdata, count));
hardReset(string message)
if(message != "")
llSay(0, "Hard reset: " + message);
integer dataListCount = llGetListLength(m_npcdata);
if(checkDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + dataListCount))
osNpcRemove((key)getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + dataListCount));
integer getGoToLine(integer slot, string target)
integer currentLine = 0;
string currentPath = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".path");
list pathLineData = llParseString2List(currentPath, [";"], []);
for (currentLine = 0; currentLine < llGetListLength(pathLineData); currentLine++)
string line = llList2String(pathLineData, currentLine);
if(line == target)
return currentLine + 1;
return 0;
list replaceVars(integer slot, list commands)
return commands;
//Script Engine
integer currentNPCSlot = -1;
if(currentNPCSlot > llGetListLength(m_npcdata))
if(!checkDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot))
jump continue;
key currentNPCKey = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot);
integer currentLine = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".line");
string currentPath = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".path");
string currentState = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".state");
string currentncname = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".ncname");
vector lastPosition = (vector)getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".lastPos");
integer currentStuck = (integer)getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".stuckCounter");
list pathLineData = llParseString2List(currentPath, [";"], []);
string currentCommand = llList2String(pathLineData, currentLine);
list lineCommandData = llParseString2List(currentCommand, ["=", "|"], []);
list lineCommands = llParseString2List(currentCommand, [" "], []);
list currentNPCDataList = llGetObjectDetails(currentNPCKey, [OBJECT_POS]);
vector currentNPCPosition = llList2Vector(currentNPCDataList, 0);
//llOwnerSay(llKey2Name(currentNPCKey) + ": Current " + currentNPCPosition + "; Last " + lastPosition + "; " + llVecDist(currentNPCPosition, lastPosition));
if(currentState == "wait")
integer waitTime = getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".waittime");
if(llGetUnixTime() < waitTime)
jump continue;
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".state", "");
if(currentState == "path")
key targetKey = llList2Key(llCSV2List(getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".walkPath")), 0);
vector targetPosition = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(targetKey, [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
if(llGetListLength(currentNPCDataList) == 0)
hardReset("target `"+targetKey+"` not found");
if(llVecDist(currentNPCPosition, lastPosition) <= 0.1)
if(currentStuck >= 5)
osTeleportAgent(currentNPCKey, targetPosition, <0, 0, 0>);
currentStuck = 0;
currentStuck = 0;
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".lastPos", currentNPCPosition);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".stuckCounter", currentStuck);
if(llVecDist(currentNPCPosition, targetPosition) <= 1)
list newPathList = llDeleteSubList(llCSV2List(getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".walkPath")), 0, 0);
if(llGetListLength(newPathList) == 0)
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".state", "");
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".walkPath", "");
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".walkPath", llList2CSV(newPathList));
targetKey = llList2Key(llCSV2List(getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".walkPath")), 0);
targetPosition = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(targetKey, [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
osNpcMoveToTarget(currentNPCKey, targetPosition, OS_NPC_NO_FLY);
jump continue;
if(currentState == "walk")
vector targetPosition = (vector)getDataEntryFromDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".targetPosition");
if(llGetListLength(currentNPCDataList) == 0)
hardReset("NPC not found");
if(llVecDist(currentNPCPosition, lastPosition) <= 0.1)
if(currentStuck >= 5)
osTeleportAgent(currentNPCKey, targetPosition, <0, 0, 0>);
currentStuck = 0;
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".lastPos", currentNPCPosition);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".stuckCounter", currentStuck);
if(llVecDist(currentNPCPosition, targetPosition) >= 1)
jump continue;
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".state", "");
currentLine = currentLine + 1;
if(currentLine >= llGetListLength(pathLineData))
currentLine = 0;
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".line", currentLine);
if(llGetSubString(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0), 0, 0) == ":")
jump continue;
if(llGetSubString(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0), 0, 0) == "%")
string storageKey = llMD5String(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0), 0);
string data = lineCommandData;
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + currentNPCSlot + ".data." + storageKey, data);
jump continue;
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "create")
if(!script_create(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "remove")
if(!script_remove(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "say")
if(!script_say(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "sit")
if(!script_sit(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "wait")
if(!script_wait(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "stand")
if(!script_stand(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "walk")
if(!script_walk(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "path")
if(!script_path(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "fly")
if(!script_fly(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "include")
if(!script_include(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "touch")
if(!script_touch(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "goto")
if(!script_goto(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "appearance")
if(!script_appearance(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "animation")
if(!script_animation(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "stopAnimation")
if(!script_StopAnimation(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "profileImage")
if(!script_profileImage(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "profileText")
if(!script_profileText(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "give")
if(!script_give(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
if(llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) == "rez")
if(!script_rez(currentNPCSlot, currentNPCKey, replaceVars(currentNPCSlot, lineCommandData)))
llSay(0, "Script execution in `" + llList2String(lineCommandData, 0) + "` in nc `"+ currentncname +"` on line `" + currentLine + "` failed.");
//Script commands
integer script_create(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(npc != NULL_KEY)
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 4));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the position for an object with the name `" + llList2String(command, 4) + "`.");
return FALSE;
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 3) + ".appearance") != INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
llSay(0, "Cant find appearance `" + llList2String(command, 3) + "`.");
return FALSE;
npc = osNpcCreate(llList2String(command, 1), llList2String(command, 2), llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(objects, 0), [OBJECT_POS]), 0), llList2String(command, 3) + ".appearance", OS_NPC_CREATOR_OWNED);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot, npc);
return TRUE;
integer script_remove(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(npc != NULL_KEY)
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot, NULL_KEY);
return TRUE;
integer script_say(integer slot, key npc, list command)
osNpcSay(npc, 0, llList2String(command, 1));
return TRUE;
integer script_rez(integer slot, key npc, list command)
vector targetPosition = <0, 0, 0>;
vector currentPosition = llGetPos();
if(llList2Vector(command, 1) == <0, 0, 0>)
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the walk target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
list targetDataList = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(objects, 0), [OBJECT_POS]);
targetPosition = llList2Vector(targetDataList, 0);
targetPosition = llList2Vector(command, 1);
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 1)) != INVENTORY_OBJECT)
llSay(0, "Cant find object `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "` to rez.");
return FALSE;
llRezAtRoot(llList2String(command, 1), targetPosition, llGetVel(), llGetRot(), 0);
return TRUE;
integer script_give(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 1)) != INVENTORY_ALL)
llSay(0, "Cant find `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "` to give.");
return FALSE;
llGiveInventory(llList2String(command, 0), llList2String(command, 1));
return TRUE;
integer script_sit(integer slot, key npc, list command)
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the sit target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
osNpcSit(npc, llList2Key(objects, 0), OS_NPC_SIT_NOW);
return TRUE;
integer script_stand(integer slot, key npc, list command)
return TRUE;
integer script_wait(integer slot, key npc, list command)
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".state", "wait");
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".waittime", llGetUnixTime() + (integer)llList2String(command, 1));
return TRUE;
integer script_path(integer slot, key npc, list command)
key startNode = NULL_KEY;
key endNode = NULL_KEY;
list nodes = [];
if(llGetListLength(command) >= 3)
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the path start `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 2));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the path target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
startNode = llList2Key(osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1)), 0);
endNode = llList2Key(osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 2)), 0);
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the path target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
list targetDataList = llGetObjectDetails(npc, [OBJECT_POS]);
vector startPosition = llList2Vector(targetDataList, 0);
startNode = osGetNextNode(startPosition);
endNode = llList2Key(osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1)), 0);
nodes = osGetNodeListToTarget(startNode, endNode);
list targetDataList = llGetObjectDetails(startNode, [OBJECT_POS]);
vector targetPosition = llList2Vector(targetDataList, 0);
osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, targetPosition, OS_NPC_NO_FLY);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".state", "path");
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".walkPath", llList2CSV(nodes));
return TRUE;
integer script_walk(integer slot, key npc, list command)
vector targetPosition = <0, 0, 0>;
if(llList2Vector(command, 1) == <0, 0, 0>)
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the walk target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
list targetDataList = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(objects, 0), [OBJECT_POS]);
targetPosition = llList2Vector(targetDataList, 0);
targetPosition = llList2Vector(command, 1);
osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, targetPosition, OS_NPC_NO_FLY);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".state", "walk");
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".targetPosition", targetPosition);
return TRUE;
integer script_fly(integer slot, key npc, list command)
vector targetPosition = <0, 0, 0>;
if(llList2Vector(command, 1) == <0, 0, 0>)
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the fly target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
list targetDataList = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(objects, 0), [OBJECT_POS]);
targetPosition = llList2Vector(targetDataList, 0);
targetPosition = llList2Vector(command, 1);
osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, targetPosition, OS_NPC_FLY | OS_NPC_LAND_AT_TARGET );
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".state", "walk");
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".targetPosition", targetPosition);
return TRUE;
integer script_touch(integer slot, key npc, list command)
list objects = osGetSearchableObjectPartList(llList2String(command, 1));
if(llGetListLength(objects) == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the touch target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
osNpcTouch(npc, llList2Key(objects, 0), LINK_THIS);
return TRUE;
integer script_goto(integer slot, key npc, list command)
integer targetLine = (integer)llList2String(command, 1);
if(targetLine == 0)
targetLine = getGoToLine(slot, ":" + llList2String(command, 1));
if(targetLine == 0)
llSay(0, "Cant find the GoTo Target `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".line", targetLine - 1);
return TRUE;
integer script_appearance(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 1) + ".appearance") != INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
llSay(0, "Cant find appearance `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
osNpcLoadAppearance(npc, llList2String(command, 1) + ".appearance");
return TRUE;
integer script_animation(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 1)) != INVENTORY_ANIMATION)
llSay(0, "Cant find animation `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
osNpcPlayAnimation(npc, llList2String(command, 1));
return TRUE;
integer script_StopAnimation(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 1)) != INVENTORY_ANIMATION)
llSay(0, "Cant find animation `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
osNpcStopAnimation(npc, llList2String(command, 1));
return TRUE;
integer script_profileImage(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 1)) != INVENTORY_TEXTURE)
llSay(0, "Cant find image `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
osNpcSetProfileImage(npc, llList2String(command, 1));
return TRUE;
integer script_profileText(integer slot, key npc, list command)
osNpcSetProfileAbout(npc, llList2String(command, 1));
return TRUE;
integer script_include(integer slot, key npc, list command)
if(llGetInventoryType(llList2String(command, 1) + ".path") != INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
llSay(0, "Cant find path `" + llList2String(command, 1) + "`.");
return FALSE;
integer newLine = llList2Integer(command, 2);
string newnc = osStringReplace(osGetNotecard(llList2String(command, 1) + ".path"), "\n", "");
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".path", newnc);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".line", newLine);
m_npcdata = setDataEntryInDataList(m_npcdata, "npc." + slot + ".ncname", llList2String(command, 1) + ".path");
return TRUE;
//Generic Helpers
integer getRealAgentCount()
list users = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_EXCLUDENPC, []);
return llGetListLength(users);
integer checkDataEntryInDataList(list _dataList, string _key)
integer _inListPosition = llListFindList(_dataList, [_key]);
if(_inListPosition == -1)return FALSE;
return TRUE;
string getDataEntryFromDataList(list _dataList, string _key)
integer _inListPosition = llListFindList(_dataList, [_key]);
if(_inListPosition == -1)return "";
return llList2String(_dataList, _inListPosition + 1);
list setDataEntryInDataList(list _dataList, string _key, string _value)
integer _inListPosition = llListFindList(_dataList, [_key]);
if(_inListPosition == -1){
_dataList += [_key, _value];
return _dataList;
return llListReplaceList(_dataList, [_value], _inListPosition + 1, _inListPosition + 1);
state waitingForPlayers;
state waitingForPlayers
if(getRealAgentCount() != 0)
state running;
state running
touch_start(integer i)
if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner())
osEasyDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "", ["Stop all", "Restart", "Start all"]);
listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if(message == "Stop all")
if(message == "Start all")
if(message == "Restart")
if(getRealAgentCount() == 0)
hardReset("region empty");
changed(integer change)
on_rez(integer start_param)