a few changes to map grid service

This commit is contained in:
UbitUmarov 2024-01-26 18:39:03 +00:00
parent 7ce6dd4cf8
commit c0082b4c3f
3 changed files with 196 additions and 171 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using log4net;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenSim.Framework;
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Warp3DMap
using(System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(asset.Data))
using(MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(asset.Data))
detailTexture[i] = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(stream);
if(detailTexture[i].PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ||
@ -153,14 +154,18 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Warp3DMap
if(detailTexture[i] != null)
if(detailTexture[i].PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ||
//detailTexture[i].Save("terrOri" + i.ToString() + ".png");
if (detailTexture[i].PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ||
detailTexture[i].Width != 16 || detailTexture[i].Height != 16)
using(Bitmap origBitmap = detailTexture[i])
detailTexture[i] = Util.ResizeImageSolid(origBitmap, 16, 16);
//detailTexture[i].Save("terr" + i.ToString() + ".png");
// Save the decoded and resized texture to the cache
byte[] data;
using(System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
using(MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
detailTexture[i].Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
data = stream.ToArray();
@ -235,9 +240,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Warp3DMap
// Fill in any missing textures with a solid color
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if(detailTexture[i] == null)
if (detailTexture[i] == null)
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} Missing terrain texture for layer {1}. Filling with solid default color", LogHeader, i);

View File

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.Connectors
// This just dumps a warning for any operation that takes more than 100 ms
int tickdiff = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(tickstart);
m_log.DebugFormat("[MAP IMAGE CONNECTOR]: AddMapTile time {0}ms", tickdiff);
m_log.DebugFormat("[MAP IMAGE CONNECTOR]: AddMapTile {1} Bytes in {0}ms", tickdiff, jpgData.Length);
return false;

View File

@ -29,31 +29,25 @@
* https://github.com/openmetaversefoundation/simiangrid/
using log4net;
using Nini.Config;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Services.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using Nini.Config;
using log4net;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Framework.Console;
using OpenSim.Services.Interfaces;
namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
public class MapImageService : IMapImageService
private static readonly ILog m_log =
private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger( MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
#pragma warning disable 414
private string LogHeader = "[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]";
#pragma warning restore 414
@ -67,43 +61,31 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
private static object m_Sync = new object();
private static bool m_Initialized = false;
private static string m_WaterTileFile = string.Empty;
private static Color m_Watercolor = Color.FromArgb(29, 71, 95);
private static Color m_Watercolor = Color.FromArgb(29, 72, 96);
private static Bitmap m_WaterBitmap = null;
private static byte[] m_WaterBytes = null;
private static byte[] m_WaterJPEGBytes = null;
public MapImageService(IConfigSource config)
if (!m_Initialized)
lock (m_Sync)
m_Initialized = true;
m_log.Debug("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Starting MapImage service");
IConfig serviceConfig = config.Configs["MapImageService"];
if (serviceConfig != null)
if (!m_Initialized)
m_TilesStoragePath = serviceConfig.GetString("TilesStoragePath", m_TilesStoragePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(m_TilesStoragePath))
m_Initialized = true;
m_log.Debug("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Starting MapImage service");
m_WaterTileFile = Path.Combine(m_TilesStoragePath, "water.jpg");
if (!File.Exists(m_WaterTileFile))
IConfig serviceConfig = config.Configs["MapImageService"];
if (serviceConfig is not null)
Bitmap waterTile = new Bitmap(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_WIDTH);
FillImage(waterTile, m_Watercolor);
waterTile.Save(m_WaterTileFile, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
m_WaterBitmap = waterTile;
if (File.Exists(m_WaterTileFile))
m_WaterBitmap = new Bitmap(m_WaterTileFile);
m_TilesStoragePath = serviceConfig.GetString("TilesStoragePath", m_TilesStoragePath);
//memory cache JPEG tile with just water.
m_WaterBitmap = new Bitmap(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_WIDTH, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
FillImage(m_WaterBitmap, m_Watercolor);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
m_WaterBitmap.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
m_WaterBytes = ms.ToArray();
m_WaterJPEGBytes = ms.ToArray();
@ -115,14 +97,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
public bool AddMapTile(int x, int y, byte[] imageData, UUID scopeID, out string reason)
reason = string.Empty;
string fileName = GetFileName(1, x, y, scopeID);
ReadOnlySpan<char> path = GetFolder(scopeID);
string fileName = GetFileName(1, x, y, path);
lock (m_Sync)
using (FileStream f = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
f.Write(imageData, 0, imageData.Length);
File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, imageData);
catch (Exception e)
@ -132,7 +113,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
return UpdateMultiResolutionFiles(x, y, scopeID, out reason);
return UpdateMultiResolutionFiles(x, y, scopeID);
public bool RemoveMapTile(int x, int y, UUID scopeID, out string reason)
@ -148,43 +129,41 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Unable to save delete file {0}: {1}", fileName, e);
m_log.Warn($"[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Unable to save delete file {fileName}: {e.Message}");
reason = e.Message;
return false;
return UpdateMultiResolutionFiles(x, y, scopeID, out reason);
return UpdateMultiResolutionFiles(x, y, scopeID);
// When large varregions start up, they can send piles of new map tiles. This causes
// this multi-resolution routine to be called a zillion times an causes much CPU
// time to be spent creating multi-resolution tiles that will be replaced when
// the next maptile arrives.
private class mapToMultiRez
private readonly struct MapToMultiRez
public int xx;
public int yy;
public UUID scopeID;
public readonly int x;
public readonly int y;
public readonly UUID scopeID;
public mapToMultiRez(int pX, int pY, UUID pscopeID)
xx = pX;
yy = pY;
x = pX;
y = pY;
scopeID = pscopeID;
private Queue<mapToMultiRez> multiRezToBuild = new Queue<mapToMultiRez>();
private bool UpdateMultiResolutionFiles(int x, int y, UUID scopeID, out string reason)
private readonly Queue<MapToMultiRez> m_MultiRezToBuild = new Queue<MapToMultiRez>();
private bool UpdateMultiResolutionFiles(int x, int y, UUID scopeID)
reason = String.Empty;
lock (multiRezToBuild)
lock (m_MultiRezToBuild)
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} UpdateMultiResolutionFilesAsync: scheduling update for <{1},{2}>", LogHeader, x, y);
multiRezToBuild.Enqueue(new mapToMultiRez(x, y, scopeID));
if (multiRezToBuild.Count == 1)
m_MultiRezToBuild.Enqueue(new MapToMultiRez(x, y, scopeID));
if (m_MultiRezToBuild.Count == 1)
return true;
@ -195,44 +174,26 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
// let acumulate large region tiles
Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000); // large regions take time to upload tiles
while (multiRezToBuild.Count > 0)
while (true)
mapToMultiRez toMultiRez = null;
lock (multiRezToBuild)
MapToMultiRez toMultiRez;
lock (m_MultiRezToBuild)
if (multiRezToBuild.Count > 0)
toMultiRez = multiRezToBuild.Dequeue();
if(!m_MultiRezToBuild.TryDequeue(out toMultiRez))
if (toMultiRez != null)
ReadOnlySpan<char> path = GetFolder(toMultiRez.scopeID);
for (int zoomLevel = 2; zoomLevel <= ZOOM_LEVELS; zoomLevel++)
int x = toMultiRez.xx;
int y = toMultiRez.yy;
UUID scopeID = toMultiRez.scopeID;
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} DoUpdateMultiResolutionFilesAsync: doing build for <{1},{2}>", LogHeader, x, y);
int width = 1;
// Stitch seven more aggregate tiles together
for (uint zoomLevel = 2; zoomLevel <= ZOOM_LEVELS; zoomLevel++)
if (!CreateTile(zoomLevel, toMultiRez.x, toMultiRez.y, path))
// Calculate the width (in full resolution tiles) and bottom-left
// corner of the current zoom level
width *= 2;
int x1 = x - (x % width);
int y1 = y - (y % width);
lock (m_Sync) // must lock the reading and writing of the maptile files
if (!CreateTile(zoomLevel, x1, y1, scopeID))
m_log.WarnFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Unable to create tile for {0},{1} at zoom level {1}", x, y, zoomLevel);
m_log.WarnFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Unable to create tile for {0},{1} at zoom level {1}", toMultiRez.x, toMultiRez.y, zoomLevel);
Thread.Sleep(50); // slow things a bit
public byte[] GetMapTile(string fileName, UUID scopeID, out string format)
@ -242,44 +203,61 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
fullName = Path.Combine(fullName, fileName);
format = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();
//m_log.DebugFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Found file {0}, extension {1}", fileName, format);
return File.ReadAllBytes(fullName);
lock (m_Sync)
format = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();
//m_log.DebugFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Found file {0}, extension {1}", fileName, format);
return File.ReadAllBytes(fullName);
format = ".jpg";
if (m_WaterBytes != null)
return (byte[])m_WaterBytes.Clone();
//m_log.DebugFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: unable to get file {0}", fileName);
return Array.Empty<byte>();
return m_WaterJPEGBytes is null ? Array.Empty<byte>() : m_WaterJPEGBytes;
private string GetFileName(uint zoomLevel, int x, int y, UUID scopeID)
private string GetFileName(int zoomLevel, int x, int y, UUID scopeID)
string path = Path.Combine(m_TilesStoragePath, scopeID.ToString());
return Path.Combine(path, string.Format("map-{0}-{1}-{2}-objects.{3}", zoomLevel, x, y, "jpg"));
private string GetFileName(int zoomLevel, int x, int y, ReadOnlySpan<char> path)
return Path.Combine(path.ToString(), string.Format("map-{0}-{1}-{2}-objects.{3}", zoomLevel, x, y, "jpg"));
private string GetFolder(UUID scopeID)
string extension = "jpg";
string path = Path.Combine(m_TilesStoragePath, scopeID.ToString());
return Path.Combine(path, string.Format("map-{0}-{1}-{2}-objects.{3}", zoomLevel, x, y, extension));
return path;
private Bitmap GetInputTileImage(string fileName)
if (File.Exists(fileName))
return new Bitmap(fileName);
if (File.Exists(fileName))
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(fileName);
if (bm.Width != IMAGE_WIDTH || bm.Height != IMAGE_WIDTH || bm.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
m_log.Error($"[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: invalid map tile {fileName}: {bm.Width} , {bm.Height}, {bm.PixelFormat}");
return null;
return bm;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Unable to read image data from {0}: {1}", fileName, e);
m_log.Warn($"[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Unable to read image data from {fileName}: {e.Message}");
return null;
@ -289,15 +267,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
if (File.Exists(fileName))
return new Bitmap(fileName);
// Create a new output tile with a transparent background
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_WIDTH, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
//bm.MakeTransparent(); // 24bpp does not have transparency, this would make it 32bpp
return bm;
return File.Exists(fileName) ? new Bitmap(fileName) : new Bitmap(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_WIDTH, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
catch (Exception e)
@ -308,67 +280,62 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
return null;
private bool CreateTile(uint zoomLevel, int x, int y, UUID scopeID)
private bool CreateTile(int zoomLevel, int inx, int iny, ReadOnlySpan<char> path)
// m_log.DebugFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Create tile for {0} {1}, zoom {2}", x, y, zoomLevel);
int thisWidth = 1 << ((int)zoomLevel);
int prevWidth = thisWidth >> 1;
int previusLevel = zoomLevel - 1;
int prevStep = 1 << previusLevel - 1;
// Convert x and y to the bottom left tile for this zoom level
int xIn = x - (x % prevWidth);
int yIn = y - (y % prevWidth);
int mask = unchecked((int)0xffffffff) << previusLevel;
// Convert x and y to the bottom left tile for the next zoom level
int xOut = x - (x % thisWidth);
int yOut = y - (y % thisWidth);
// Try to open the four input tiles from the previous zoom level
Bitmap inputBL = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(zoomLevel, xIn, yIn, scopeID));
Bitmap inputBR = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(zoomLevel, xIn + prevWidth, yIn, scopeID));
Bitmap inputTL = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(zoomLevel, xIn, yIn + prevWidth, scopeID));
Bitmap inputTR = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(zoomLevel, xIn + prevWidth, yIn + prevWidth, scopeID));
// Open the output tile (current zoom level)
string outputFile = GetFileName(++zoomLevel, xOut, yOut, scopeID);
// Convert x and y to the bottom left of current tile
int x = inx & mask;
int y = iny & mask;
int ntiles = 0;
Bitmap output = (Bitmap)m_WaterBitmap.Clone();
if (inputBL != null)
Bitmap input = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(previusLevel, x, y, path));
if (input is not null)
ImageCopyResampled(output, inputBL, 0, HALF_WIDTH, 0, 0);
ImageCopyResampled(output, input, 0, HALF_WIDTH);
if (inputBR != null)
input = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(previusLevel, x + prevStep, y, path));
if (input is not null)
ImageCopyResampled(output, inputBR, HALF_WIDTH, HALF_WIDTH, 0, 0);
ImageCopyResampled(output, input, HALF_WIDTH, HALF_WIDTH);
if (inputTL != null)
input = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(previusLevel, x, y + prevStep, path));
if (input is not null)
ImageCopyResampled(output, inputTL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ImageCopyResampled(output, input, 0, 0);
if (inputTR != null)
input = GetInputTileImage(GetFileName(previusLevel, x + prevStep, y + prevStep, path));
if (input is not null)
ImageCopyResampled(output, inputTR, HALF_WIDTH, 0, 0, 0);
ImageCopyResampled(output, input, HALF_WIDTH, 0);
string outputFile = GetFileName(zoomLevel, x, y, path);
if (ntiles > 0)
output.Save(outputFile, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
if (ntiles > 0)
output.Save(outputFile, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Oops on saving {0} {1}", outputFile, e);
m_log.Warn($"[MAP IMAGE SERVICE]: Oops on saving {outputFile} {e.Message}");
@ -379,22 +346,75 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.MapImageService
private void FillImage(Bitmap bm, Color c)
for (int x = 0; x < bm.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < bm.Height; y++)
bm.SetPixel(x, y, c);
private void ImageCopyResampled(Bitmap output, Bitmap input, int destX, int destY, int srcX, int srcY)
int resamplingRateX = 2; // (input.Width - srcX) / (output.Width - destX);
int resamplingRateY = 2; // (input.Height - srcY) / (output.Height - destY);
for (int x = destX; x < destX + HALF_WIDTH; x++)
for (int y = destY; y < destY + HALF_WIDTH; y++)
BitmapData srcData = bm.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
byte r = c.R;
byte g = c.G;
byte b = c.B;
byte* ptr = (byte*)srcData.Scan0;
for(int y = 0; y < bm.Height; y++)
Color p = input.GetPixel(srcX + (x - destX) * resamplingRateX, srcY + (y - destY) * resamplingRateY);
output.SetPixel(x, y, p);
for(int x = 0; x < bm.Width; x++)
*ptr++ = b;
*ptr++ = g;
*ptr++ = r;
private void ImageCopyResampled(Bitmap output, Bitmap input, int destX, int destY)
BitmapData srcData = input.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, input.Width, input.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
BitmapData dstData = output.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, output.Width, output.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
byte* srcPointer = (byte*)srcData.Scan0;
byte* srcPointer2 = (byte*)srcData.Scan0 + srcData.Stride;
byte* dstPointer = (byte*)dstData.Scan0 + destY * dstData.Stride + 3 * destX;
for (int y = 0; y < HALF_WIDTH; y++)
byte* dxptr = dstPointer;
for (int i = 0; i < HALF_WIDTH; i++)
// Blue
int t = srcPointer[0] + srcPointer[3] + srcPointer2[0] + srcPointer2[3];
dxptr[0] = (byte)(t >> 2);
// Green
t = srcPointer[1] + srcPointer[4] + srcPointer2[1] + srcPointer2[4];
dxptr[1] = (byte)(t >> 2);
// Red
t = srcPointer[2] + srcPointer[5] + srcPointer2[2] + srcPointer2[5];
dxptr[2] = (byte)(t >> 2);
dxptr[0] = srcPointer[0]; // Blue
dxptr[1] = srcPointer[1]; // Green
dxptr[2] = srcPointer[2]; // Red
srcPointer += 6; // skip one point
srcPointer2 += 6; // skip one point
dxptr += 3;
srcPointer += srcData.Stride; // skip extra line
srcPointer2 += srcData.Stride;
dstPointer += dstData.Stride;
catch (InvalidOperationException e)